Proposal Assistance - Dash Treasury - Claim of ownership

Hi Everyone

I hope all is well,

I need some assistance with my current Official Proposal that is open for voting at this moment,

I am trying to "Claim onwership" of my proposal posted at the , but once I am at the, my proposal does not show the title or discription and some MNO do not want to click on links to other pages.

After following the instructions from the Dash Central website,

In my wallet when I am trying to sign for the proposal and claim owneship I get a message saying

Private Key for the entered adress is not available.

Any ideas how can I solve this ?

Do you in fact own that address?
Did you create it using the same wallet that you are trying to sign from?
What happens if you send 0.001 dash to that address? Does it show up in your wallet?
Hi IronVape

1 - No, I do not own the address, it was provided by the website DashCentral

2- I used my Dash Core wallet on my Mac ( do I need to create my own address with the same wallet do to this ?)

3 - Nope, it never came back to my wallet.

I am not sure which address to use now.

I did create a new address in my wallet and I did fallow all the steps, but also did not work, I got a message from the site - see print screen

Thanks for your help.


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Hi IronVape
1 - No, I do not own the address, it was provided by the website DashCentral
2- I used my Dash Core wallet on my Mac ( do I need to create my own address with the same wallet do to this ?)
3 - Nope, it never came back to my wallet.
I am not sure which address to use now.

I did create a new address in my wallet and I did fallow all the steps, but also did not work, I got a message from the site - see print screen

Thanks for your help.

It looks like a 3rd party owns the proposal that you think is yours.
You will have to talk to the real proposal owner about getting your idea posted.
Note: If this proposal gets funded. The Dash does not go to you. It goes to whoever your mystery sponsor is.
Note2: Dashcentral did not create that address. It is simply showing you the address that the true proposal owner submitted.
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Hi IronVape

I am confused now,

I was the only person who submitted the Proposal and I was the one who send the funds from my wallet, I have the transaction history,

My sponsor is the website who I am in touch, they sent the funds to my wallet and I sent it to Dash Treasury.

Any suggestios who can I contact about this ?

@rango manually set @Rod Ambrissi as the proposal owner at Dash Central, which seems wrong to me. The person who receives the funds from the budget system should be the proposal owner. In this case, DashTreasury will be receiving the funds, therefore DashTreasury is the proposal owner. The MNOs should know this.

@Rod Ambrissi -- this isn't your fault, and I think your proposal should pass, but it should be made clear who will be receiving the funds directly from the budget.
@rango manually set @Rod Ambrissi as the proposal owner at Dash Central, which seems wrong to me. The person who receives the funds from the budget system should be the proposal owner. In this case, DashTreasury will be receiving the funds, therefore DashTreasury is the proposal owner. The MNOs should know this.

@Rod Ambrissi -- this isn't your fault, and I think your proposal should pass, but it should be made clear who will be receiving the funds directly from the budget.

Hi @jimbursch , Thanks for your input, I did contact @rango this morning and I am sure he will be able to clarify this as he was the one who manages to reset my settings at the Dash Central Proposal page, I did made the updates I needed in order to show the MNO my Proposal directly at the Dash Central website.

But me being new at the Forum, I was not aware that Dash Central and Dash Treasury was 2 differents parties. In my view, once I post a proposal at Dash Treasury it would be automatically at Dash Central and I would be the only owner.

Thanks for the input.
@Rod Ambrissi -- to make sure you understand, it appears that you submitted your proposal to (and I assume you also sent the 5 Dash proposal fee), and they in turn submitted a proposal to the Dash Budget System on your behalf, using their own address where the funds will be sent if the proposal is passed. For you to get your funds, you will have to ask to send you the Dash, if they don't do it automatically.

There is nothing wrong with providing a service such as this, but they should make it clear to you how their system works (if they haven't already -- perhaps you misunderstood them).

If you had used or, you would have used your own wallet and address to submit the proposal, and the funds would go directly into your wallet.

@tungfa -- I suggest updating this sticky post to help avoid any misunderstanding:

Also, there seems to be some confusion as to the relationship between and Is an "official" site/service?
@Rod Ambrissi -- to make sure you understand, it appears that you submitted your proposal to (and I assume you also sent the 5 Dash proposal fee), and they in turn submitted a proposal to the Dash Budget System on your behalf, using their own address where the funds will be sent if the proposal is passed. For you to get your funds, you will have to ask to send you the Dash, if they don't do it automatically.

There is nothing wrong with providing a service such as this, but they should make it clear to you how their system works (if they haven't already -- perhaps you misunderstood them).

If you had used or, you would have used your own wallet and address to submit the proposal, and the funds would go directly into your wallet.

@tungfa -- I suggest updating this sticky post to help avoid any misunderstanding:

Also, there seems to be some confusion as to the relationship between and Is an "official" site/service?

I would say DashCentral is quasi-official. There is not a direct relation to but DashCentral is just used by most.

Regarding the proposal, the originating address and the payment address can be different afaik. So @Rod Ambrissi will directly get his funds I think.
dam is this messy

correct - dashcentral is quasi official - but 100% trusted by team
we are in very close contact with rango (same as votetracker and eric ) , he prefers to run the page independent and not funded from budget system - which is fine

dashtreasury came out of nowhere tbh - never had any direct affiliations with the team (at least not that i know of) and is still not listed on most pages (as i tbh have no idea who they are , what they are doing or planning)
@Rod Ambrissi -- to make sure you understand, it appears that you submitted your proposal to (and I assume you also sent the 5 Dash proposal fee), and they in turn submitted a proposal to the Dash Budget System on your behalf, using their own address where the funds will be sent if the proposal is passed. For you to get your funds, you will have to ask to send you the Dash, if they don't do it automatically.

There is nothing wrong with providing a service such as this, but they should make it clear to you how their system works (if they haven't already -- perhaps you misunderstood them).

If you had used or, you would have used your own wallet and address to submit the proposal, and the funds would go directly into your wallet.

@tungfa -- I suggest updating this sticky post to help avoid any misunderstanding:

Also, there seems to be some confusion as to the relationship between and Is an "official" site/service?

Hi @jimbursch , After Speaking with @rango via private chat he did confirm my correct address where the blockchain will send me the funds if my proposal is approved.
I got worried when it was mention on the conversation, that I did not own the proposal and the funds would go to the address provided by the website Dash Central, anyway
kind of scary for someone submitting a proposal for the first time to go over all this, but we are all good now. Thanks
Rod, I'm glad that was able to let you post a description.

For some clarity, you are, of course, the proposal owner. You entered the payment address where funds will be sent. does not escrow any funds, it just simplifies the posting process and provided you with a subsidy. It also lent you a hand in getting your proposal onto reddit and linking some relevant pre-proposal discussion, as well as digging up your old Youtube channel to make things easier for the MNOs. is one of several places where proposal owners can post pre-proposals and official proposals. Since its launch less than two months ago, it has received over 20 pre-proposals, with 6 of them converting to "paid" proposal like yours. (Both of the two proposals that are on track to pass this month were posted at and received subsidies.) is another site like It was developed first, and offers a robust place for discussion. It does not offer proposal subsidies like I believe that @rango, the admin of DashCentral, currently requires the payment receipt of the proposal submission to claim ownership on his site. Perhaps in the future, he will also allow proposal owners to claim ownership on his site by signing their payment address. The process on posting on is very technically involved, which is why some people prefer to post on

@jimbursch runs another similar site at Jim's site has successfully launched official proposals as well, including Dash's Bug Bounty program which was funded last month. In addition to vetting, I believe that Jim's site focuses on crowdsourcing the funding for the 5 Dash fee.

The public Dash blockchain is the only "official" place that holds proposals. All other sites are "3rd party", labors of love, hobbies, decentralizing sites, whatever you want to call them. All sites that aren't the blockchain itself simply interface with the blockchain and are equally "official" or "unofficial". None of the current sites earn any money for themselves, and all serve the same purpose, which is to improve Dash by giving owners a place to submit proposals, and MNOs a place to discuss and view proposals.
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