Observations of the Dash Treasury DAO
Observations of the Dash Treasury DAO
This post considers DASH’s treasury model and history of proposal voting. Relevant data and R code are in this github repository.
This post is structured as follows:
- Introduction to Dash and the Treasury DAO
- Review of Treasury Proposals from August 2015 — January 2018
- Summary of relevant points for decentralized governance of development funds
DASH was I think the first cryptocurrency to award a portion of the block reward to a fund which is administered by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for the purpose of developing and promoting the project. There are other projects that have a built-in funding mechanism, I’ve written about some of them here as part of a larger piece on governance.
The Dash Treasury
Masternode Operators (MNOs) are key actors in the Dash network. Dash Masternodes (MNs) provide certain services (InstantSend and PrivateSend) to users, receive 45% of the block reward, and collectively control the project’s development fund through voting. A MNO can operate multiple MNs.
Each month, DASH dispenses 10% of the block rewards for that ….
Please continue reading at: https://medium.com/@richardred/observations-of-the-dash-treasury-dao-c94231b2b5c4
Author: Richard Red
Original link: https://medium.com/@richardred/observations-of-the-dash-treasury-dao-c94231b2b5c4