Dash is sponsoring eSports tournament with eSports partner ReadyRaider
Dash is sponsoring eSports tournament with eSports partner ReadyRaider that will take place this weekend! 73 teams, 210 players, many of them global professional teams. Dash will be heavily featured during the tournament including during gameplay on player screens, a commercial about what is Dash, among many others. The tournament will take place at 4 pm EST on August 30th, the game World of Warcraft. The tournament will be streamed live on Twitch of course and covered by many eSports influencers.
Watch Dash be adopted in eSports live on Twitch by clicking the link here:ย https://www.twitch.tv/team/readyraider

Author: GetReadyRaider
Original link: https://twitter.com/GetReadyRaider/status/1291427677807706120