January 28, 2016 9:43 pm

Dash invited to 2nd SATOSHI ROUNDTABLE – Private Crypto Retreat

Evan Duffield, lead developer of Dash and Daniel Diaz (Business Development) have been invited and will be attending the Satoshi Roundtable 2016.

This is an invitation-only event where prominent members of the cryptocurrency community meet to discuss the future direction of the sector. It is also an excellent opportunity for networking and for explaining our technological approach to Dash. The event will include major Bitcoin investors, exchanges, service providers, developers, and thought leaders within the industry.

Dash has been experimenting with very innovative features that aim to resolve critical issues within cryptocurrency and thus this experience is valuable for the whole industry. In the past two years, our project has developed solutions for privacy, instant transactions, governance, and self-funding. Conferences and events such as Satoshi Roundtable give us an opportunity to meet with key players in the crypto community. We are confident that important partnerships will emerge from this networking, and brainstorming will likely create more ideas for future development.

Satoshi Roundtable aims to keep the number of participants small enough to be able to hold open and candid discussions about the future of cryptocurrency. Because of this, it is a great honor for Dash to be invited to participate in this event. Our invitation shows recognition of our efforts and approach to cryptographic currency.

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What is Satoshi Roundtable?
an invitation-only gathering of ~50 Bitcoin entrepreneurs, Blockchain technology, crypto currency and Bitcoin – developers, CEOs, investors early adopters etc. who meet for a private retreat.
Limited to 50 members.
Location: Undisclosed

List of confirmed attendees includes:
Micah Winkelspecht, Gem
Roger Ver, Bitcoin.com
Patrick Byrne, CEO, Overstock
Gavin Andresen, MIT / Chief Scientist The Bitcoin Foundation
Jeff Garzik, Developer
Miochael Perklin, C4
Peter Todd, Developer
Bobby Lee, BTChina

About the author


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