Dash Economics Discussion Series
Join Dash Core Group’s Ryan Taylor from 6/10-6/15 as he hosts daily discussions with the community on the proposed changes to Dash economics.
The discussion will provide community members with the opportunity to share feedback and ideas surrounding Dash economics with Ryan and Dash Core Group. Once these discussions are complete, we will take all feedback into consideration, followed by the submission of all economic proposals to the network for a vote.
For those who have not seen the latest proposed solution to Dash economics from Dash Core Group, please review the following video:
For anyone unable to attend these discussions live that would like their input heard, please submit your questions/comments via this form: https://forms.gle/U7LcWH6KxY6Np2M77.
- Wed 11pm UTC: Discord Dash Nation (#dash-talk channel) https://discordapp.com/invite/DU6ZZW8
- Thurs 3pm UTC: Zoom Webinar (Reserved for the first 100 attendees) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87177470550?pwd=NnB5WmZBMHd5NmJRZWpWNVgwUzNpQT09
- Fri 9pm UTC: Telegram https://t.me/dash_chat
- Sat 5pm UTC: Zoom Webinar (Reserved for the first 100 attendees) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87091183030?pwd=VXFZOENobU9jcmcyejlXQlJwb1R6UT09
- Sun 8pm UTC: Discord Dash Talk (#ryan-questions channel) https://discord.com/invite/PXbUxJB
Author: Michael Seitz
Original link: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-economics-discussion-series.50278/