[XPOOL.CA][Multipool] x11 | sha256 | scrypt | lyra2REv2 - KNC Titans, Large GPUs & Nicehash support


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Developers & Communities looking for a Multipool

We are always looking to add additional payout options for our miners. We do not and can not add every coin and require a 1.5 BTC fee to be listed. Paying out different currencies is not a trivial task such as mining different currencies is. This is why there is a fee. Not only will your currency be listed on a reliable, stable and trustworthy multipool, it guarantee's your currency will stay listed as a payout option for at least 3 months. If support is still strong after that, it will stay listed indefinitely, so long as there is support for it.

Your coin must be listed on at least one of these exchanges: Cryptsy, Bittrex or Poloinex​

How does it work?

xpool offers 4 different sets of coins to mine. SHA256, Scrypt, X11 and Lyra2REv2. Mined and confirmed coins are traded automatically to maximize the profits from exchanging them into payout currencies.

As the pool picks up more hashing speed payouts will be more frequent. Currently payouts for exchanged coins is Monday/Wed/Fri. For any coins miners wish to keep, payouts are several times a day, including DASH.

If a DASH block is found, there's no exchanging or loss of fees as it can simply be paid out to the X11 DASH miners.

The advantage of the pool is that you can utilize your older ASIC equipment to earn either
Cheers and Happy Hashing!

Donations welcome!

Any issues, please report them here or feel free to PM me, as I can't always see every post.


Xpool Multipool


PPLNS reward system
Split Payouts between currencies
Optionally keep coins you mine instead of exchanging
Scrypt & SHA256 & X11 & Lyra2REv2 Algo's
DDoS Protected
Simple setup and usage
2% Fees
To mine:



Cheers and Happy Hashing!​
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I wish I hadn't sold my Avalon 2 a few months ago :tongue:

But I did buy DRKs with it, so I'm on profit grounds :cool:
nice pool .. i cant add to pool list ..need 4% like ratio to edit post ,,maybe moderator can help
btw i try mining at this awsome multipool
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Where do you think your pool stands from a profitability point of view though? Is it on par with any multipool out there on Poolpicker.eu? I always have a hard time deciphering per MH profitability statistics looking at the sites.
Well, I think it's going to be hard to compare as those sites are paying out AFAIK, in Bitcoins. Right now, I think I need to calculate a different formula to use on my site. It was paying in btc, but since I've changed to drk, I think it's going to need some changes. But it should be on par with the rest. If it's not I'm sure some number crunchers will pipe up and I hope they do to either nay or yay what they getting.
thanks a bunch. No we're not affiliated at all. Happened to use some of the same bootstrap stuff unfortunately. :)
All shifts were paid out today. Hope you all enjoy your DRK:

14.2032 DRK have just been sent for the X11 shift earning ~ 0.02716029 DRK/Mh/1.72days
7.9897 DRK have just been sent for the scrypt shift earning ~ 0.24418399 DRK/Mh/1.5days
8.3424 DRK have just been sent for the sha256 shift