Writing an Article on DarkSend, but have questions.


New member
Hello everyone, I am the founder of Coin Brief and I am writing an article about Darkcoin and DarkSend at the moment. A week or so ago I wrote a general "What is Darkcoin" but I want to go into more detail on this one. However, I am having issues figuring out which documentation is current, as well as what the specific parameters for transactions are.

Some of the official documents seem to state that RC1 is the most up to date DarkSend version, and that it is limited to 10 DRK at a time. However, that seems to be wrong, as I found references to other release candidates, as well as documentation on v3 beta listing flat 100 DRK transactions (with refunds for excess), as well as mentions of v6 beta with multiple tiers of pool inputs, but no specifics on exactly how that works.

So, my questions are as follows:
Which version of DarkSend is the most up to date?

Where can I access the technical specifications of this version?

What is the input amount? Or what are the tiers for input amounts?

If it is using the tiered pool input sizes, then when a transaction is started by DarkSend, does it require the maximum input for a transaction to processed, or can you send a smaller amount? Example: If the first tier is 0-10, and 2nd tier is 10.00000001 - 100, would the first tier require a full 10 DRK to be used to initiate a transaction for 1 DRK, and just refund 9 DRK (minus fees) at the end? And if I wanted to send 20 DRK, then would I need to input a full 100 DRK?

Does DarkSend require exactly 3 inputs for a transaction to be pooled before it blends and sends the outputs? Or, would it work with only 2 transactions, or 4+ transactions?

When the Darkcoins are pooled to be mixed, are they mixed into a homogeneous output? Or is it random? For example, if 3 users put the same amount of darkcoins into a pool for mixing, would each DRK in the output be comprised of .33 from user 1, .33 from user 2, and .33 from user 3? Or, would it be a random mix?

Are RPAs assigned to both the one sending coins, as well as the one receiving? I saw that the RPAs were suppose to add anonymity by depositing coins that were not needed (the change) into a new address that was owned by the sender. However, it seems like it would be more effective at providing anonymity if new addresses were created for everyone involved, and every output was sent to a new RPA .

If I am just missing something, and this is all explained in a thread, document, or something else, please just point me there. If that is the case, then I apologize in advance.
Hey thanks for all of the great questions! Answers below:

Which version of DarkSend is the most up to date?
RC2 (10.6.2) is the most recent version

Where can I access the technical specifications of this version?
The most recent technical documentation can be found here: http://www.darkcoin.io/downloads/DarkSendDocumentation.pdf

What is the input amount? Or what are the tiers for input amounts?
The input amounts are current 10DRK. This will be 10,100 and 1000DRK as of the release of RC3.

If it is using the tiered pool input sizes, then when a transaction is started by DarkSend, does it require the maximum input for a transaction to processed, or can you send a smaller amount? Example: If the first tier is 0-10, and 2nd tier is 10.00000001 - 100, would the first tier require a full 10 DRK to be used to initiate a transaction for 1 DRK, and just refund 9 DRK (minus fees) at the end? And if I wanted to send 20 DRK, then would I need to input a full 100 DRK?
The amount sent determines which pool is selected. So if you sent 10.1DRK, it would use the 100DRK pool. This would cause change outputs to be sent back to you in the amount of 99.9DRK.

Does DarkSend require exactly 3 inputs for a transaction to be pooled before it blends and sends the outputs? Or, would it work with only 2 transactions, or 4+ transactions?
Currently it requires 3 inputs, but this can be modified in the future.

When the Darkcoins are pooled to be mixed, are they mixed into a homogeneous output? Or is it random? For example, if 3 users put the same amount of darkcoins into a pool for mixing, would each DRK in the output be comprised of .33 from user 1, .33 from user 2, and .33 from user 3? Or, would it be a random mix?
They are mixed randomly, then the masternode publishes the finalized transaction for the usernode to sign.

Are RPAs assigned to both the one sending coins, as well as the one receiving? I saw that the RPAs were suppose to add anonymity by depositing coins that were not needed (the change) into a new address that was owned by the sender. However, it seems like it would be more effective at providing anonymity if new addresses were created for everyone involved, and every output was sent to a new RPA .
No, RPAs are just used for coins being sent back to you. The coins you send to someone are sent to their address they gave to you.
Where can I access the technical specifications of this version? The most recent technical documentation can be found here: http://www.darkcoin.io/downloads/DarkSendDocumentation.pdf
What is the input amount? Or what are the tiers for input amounts? The input amounts are current 10DRK. This will be 10,100 and 1000DRK as of the release of RC3.
If it is using the tiered pool input sizes, then when a transaction is started by DarkSend, does it require the maximum input for a transaction to processed, or can you send a smaller amount? Example: If the first tier is 0-10, and 2nd tier is 10.00000001 - 100, would the first tier require a full 10 DRK to be used to initiate a transaction for 1 DRK, and just refund 9 DRK (minus fees) at the end? And if I wanted to send 20 DRK, then would I need to input a full 100 DRK? The amount sent determines which pool is selected. So if you sent 10.1DRK, it would use the 100DRK pool. This would cause change outputs to be sent back to you in the amount of 99.9DRK.

Ok, so the current limit is 10 DRK per transaction. However, the most recent technical document is still out of date in some ways, because it states that it is for RC1. In the future, with RC3, the 10 DRK limit will be lifted, and there will be multiple pools. At that point, if I were to send 10.1 DRK, it would use the 100 DRK pool, and I would be required to have 100 DRK on hand to initiate the transaction. 100 DRK would be taken from my wallet and placed in the pool. Then 10.1 DRK would be taken from that to pay the recipient of my transfer, and 89.9 would be returned to me.

Do I have all of that correct?
Ok, so the current limit is 10 DRK per transaction. However, the most recent technical document is still out of date in some ways, because it states that it is for RC1. In the future, with RC3, the 10 DRK limit will be lifted, and there will be multiple pools. At that point, if I were to send 10.1 DRK, it would use the 100 DRK pool, and I would be required to have 100 DRK on hand to initiate the transaction. 100 DRK would be taken from my wallet and placed in the pool. Then 10.1 DRK would be taken from that to pay the recipient of my transfer, and 89.9 would be returned to me.

Do I have all of that correct?

Yes, that is exactly how it works.