Code is available here
Here you can find more about it straight from Bitpay's CEO
This is the best fork Bitcoin proposal to date. 2MB increase is silly when you think about it. It will require another fork in the not so distant future at some point. Some Bitcoin devs wanted an 8MB fork to be more future proof. The proposal Bitpay came up with is even better.
Why not implement this cool adaptive block size right now? I know we've voted for it already but it's not set in stone. Why not call another vote for a cooler adaptive block size implementation?
Here you can find more about it straight from Bitpay's CEO
This is the best fork Bitcoin proposal to date. 2MB increase is silly when you think about it. It will require another fork in the not so distant future at some point. Some Bitcoin devs wanted an 8MB fork to be more future proof. The proposal Bitpay came up with is even better.
Why not implement this cool adaptive block size right now? I know we've voted for it already but it's not set in stone. Why not call another vote for a cooler adaptive block size implementation?