Whitepaper Idea: The Right of Privacy in Finances ....>


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Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
I believe we as Darkcoin have to find our voice in the discussion about
Privacy in Finances
after all we are all working with an Anonymous Digital Currency, supporting it this way or that, trading it, programming it, using it, expanding it, ...... and sure we all believe in the need of Privacy in Finances.

I talked to 'our' writers about this, that it would be great to start a public discussion about this, hear different opinions, statements, quotes, ideas, ... (anything goes) so in the end we can write a Whitepaper on this issue for DRK !

The more philosophical the better !
Feel free to comment with any opinions, it would be great to get a discussion going and see where this talks us !

Here some inspiration:
So today sparked by tungfa's post I was thinking about privacy and my opinion on it.

I started by thinking, I love privacy, and I think it is very important,
but seemingly people around me don’t care too much about it.
They always use the argument:
Why do you need privacy, do you have something to hide?
You are not a criminal, are you? Everything is public anyways.

So in order to understand my love for privacy I started thinking about some of my core beliefs and compared them with some of my thoughts on the current system.

As my core beliefs I wrote down:


And for the characteristics of the current power structures / financial systems, I wrote down:


I noticed immediately that my beliefs sharply contrasted my perception of the system.
I wasn't surprised, that I thought so badly of the financial system especially considering, the global wealth gaps and the growing demand of the government to know every detail about our private live (NSA).

More than 50% of the wealth and power is in the hands of 1% of the people,
And whoever controls the money will control the Laws. (Lobbying)
Our governments are in my opinion, nothing more than the corporate interests of that 1%.
Using, laws and regulations to covertly spy on us.

To the point that even we, do not own our private lives,
Because in the current system there is little to no privacy,
Every bit of information is monitored and collected to be used without our knowledge
This system tries to control us through shackles of transparency.
Because we have/ should have nothing to hide...

Don't get me wrong, transparency is a good thing
but too much is an evil.
Too much transparency in a group, breeds conformity,
Conformity holds you off the path to discovery
And by doing so inhibiting innovation and technological advancement.

Moreover privacy can be just as useful to society as transparency.
Because privacy allows you to do things differently
without someone scrutinizing your every movement.
Privacy allows you to make mistakes without someone scolding or judging you.
Privacy allows us to learn and discover in a safe environment.
And by doing so privacy can hold the key to help us escape a disparate, stagnant and corrupt system
and will allow us to give rise to new and optimized system.

Therefore we need to balance privacy and transparency.
Because without privacy there cannot be real freedom.

Yours Anonymously,
