Which copycoins will promise tor first?


Active member
Which "anonymous" scamcoin will be first to promise their very own private tor network?

How lolzy will that page of their white paper be?

How will their paid trolls & sockpuppets pretend their implementation is so much better than Darkcoin's?

Predictions below...
I would encourage other coins to try the same. The more the better, that's the idea of decentralization.

Why one coin if there could be unlimited coins?
Why one anonymous coin if there could be various different approaches to protecting your privacy.
Why one TOR network if there can be multiple different technologies achieving this. Will make life harder for the NSA.

Of course Darkcoin will always be suprior, but dont say copying is bad.
I would encourage other coins to try the same. The more the better, that's the idea of decentralization.

Why one coin if there could be unlimited coins?
Why one anonymous coin if there could be various different approaches to protecting your privacy.
Why one TOR network if there can be multiple different technologies achieving this. Will make life harder for the NSA.

I agree with all this, but the OP isn't about the genuine anon coins that, although not as good as DRK, are genuinely trying & would try to do a real TOR network if they said they would. The OP is about the scamcoins who'll either fake it completely or put in as little an effort as needed to pump and dump.

For every coin that's really trying there are many others made by serial scammers. They make a white paper full of buzzwords, pay someone to clone other coins for them, and buy shills and sockpuppets to pump the price and bash other coins. Bitcointalk & the trollboxes are full of them.

Of course Darkcoin will always be suprior, but dont say copying is bad.

Copying is bad when it's intentionally done to fake innovation, make false promises, scam noobs & run away with their coins.
I agree on scamcoins with the only purpose to promise you something to get your bitcoins. Just saying copying is not always bad at all :)
I agree on scamcoins with the only purpose to promise you something to get your bitcoins. Just saying copying is not always bad at all :)
Its not exactly a TOR but encrypted cloud storage helps our cause. I like the direction using cryptos to decentralize everything. Storj pronounced as "storage" new cloud storage coin.We could be witnessing the rise of crypto backed decentralized services. If its serious, it will catch on.
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