wallet unlock problem


After upgrade to the most recent version 120047 I'm having the "dashd: crypter.cpp:257: bool CCryptoKeyStore::Unlock(const CKeyingMaterial&): Assertion `false' failed." error after I try to unlock my wallet.

I'm running pre-compiled binary for Linux 64

tried to run with -salvagewallet, same result. And the same issue under Windows - wallet crashes on unlock.

log file shows "The wallet is probably corrupted: Some keys decrypt but not all."

I will appreciate any ideas

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After upgrade to the most recent version 120047 I'm having the "dashd: crypter.cpp:257: bool CCryptoKeyStore::Unlock(const CKeyingMaterial&): Assertion `false' failed." error after I try to unlock my wallet.

I'm running pre-compiled binary for Linux 64

tried to run with -salvagewallet, same result. And the same issue under Windows - wallet crashes on unlock.

log file shows "The wallet is probably corrupted: Some keys decrypt but not all."

I will appreciate any ideas

O dear, yes, looks similar to me (I only tried it on windows) as long as you have an original copy of V11 wallet you should be ok.
Strange thing was, on the same machine it failed and worked at the same time for 2 wallets, only difference was one was a hot wallet and one was a cold masternode wallet.
(You could try another machine if you do not have another copy of the wallet to try V11 with)

But keep in mind that it won't understand your wallet.dat once you have run a v12 wallet with -reindex.

But you made a backup of wallet.dat before you upgraded to v12, didn't you?

thank you! yeah sure I have all possible backups. However there are only win binary, dash- is empty ...

O dear, yes, looks similar to me (I only tried it on windows) as long as you have an original copy of V11 wallet you should be ok.
Strange thing was, on the same machine it failed and worked at the same time for 2 wallets, only difference was one was a hot wallet and one was a cold masternode wallet.
(You could try another machine if you do not have another copy of the wallet to try V11 with)

I believe the issue in my case could be that my wallet was created using libdb5.1. instead of recommended libdb4.8.. Odd is that a pre-compiled binary of v11 worked just fine

P.S. I tried to unlock on three different machines: two *nix and one win64 with no luck though. I will try to downgrade back to v11 and see what happens. Hope it will work for me. touch wood
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I believe the issue in my case could be that my wallet was created using libdb5.1. instead of recommended libdb4.8.. Odd is that a pre-compiled binary of v11 worked just fine
P.S. I tried to unlock on three different machines: two *nix and one win64 with no luck though. I will try to downgrade back to v11 and see what happens. Hope it will work for me. touch wood
remember in order to run 2 or more wallets (I ran a v11 and v12 and transfered everything while hot on same machine)
config setting in second wallet folder is only listen=0, and running the 2nd dashv11.exe something like dashv11.exe -datadir=c:\dashv11

But keep in mind that it won't understand your wallet.dat once you have run a v12 wallet with -reindex.

But you made a backup of wallet.dat before you upgraded to v12, didn't you?
No, that's not the case, only blockchain is incompatible, not the wallet.dat

thank you! yeah sure I have all possible backups. However there are only win binary, dash- is empty ...

I believe the issue in my case could be that my wallet was created using libdb5.1. instead of recommended libdb4.8.. Odd is that a pre-compiled binary of v11 worked just fine

P.S. I tried to unlock on three different machines: two *nix and one win64 with no luck though. I will try to downgrade back to v11 and see what happens. Hope it will work for me. touch wood
libdb4.8 and libdb5.1 is incompatible in some edge cases that's why it's "not recommended" and you'll might need to find/compile either v11 or v12 against libdb5.1 with --with-incompatible-bdb flag again to successfully open your wallet on the same system.

so, guys, I managed to unlock my wallet using v.11 on win64.

does anyone know here can I get a pre-compiled binary v.11 for linux? https://github.com/dashpay/dash-binaries/tree/master/v11 doesn't have it
There was also reports that win and linux libdb version have some incompatibilities among each other (even if both are 4.8).

To sum: you are messing with all kind of possible incompatibilities and if you were able to open your wallet on win somehow I would recommend to "save progress" :wink: i.e. to download official binaries for linux, generate new wallet and send your funds from unlocked win wallet to new linux wallet or simply reimport private keys to fresh wallet (back up it and try small amounts first to verify it's ok, works on wallet restart etc.. as usual).
thanks for the advice

I would definitely do so but unfortunately im kinda linked to the addresses in my wallet.dat and since there are hundreds of them moving privs to another wallet is hardly a solution in my case
thanks for the advice

I would definitely do so but unfortunately im kinda linked to the addresses in my wallet.dat and since there are hundreds of them moving privs to another wallet is hardly a solution in my case
Ahh.. ok...

btw on v12 you can do this:
dumpwallet mykeys.txt

help dumpwallet

dumpwallet "filename"

Dumps all wallet keys in a human-readable format.

1. "filename" (string, required) The filename

> dash-cli dumpwallet "test"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "dumpwallet", "params": ["test"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
did you get your coins back???

yes, on win64

now I'm trying to get my linux machine to work with crowning's binaries

currently keep on receiving

EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range

CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type

dash in ProcessMessages()

but it seems to be OK while re-syncing
yes, on win64

now I'm trying to get my linux machine to work with crownings' binaries

currently keep on receiving

EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range

CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type

dash in ProcessMessages()

but it seems to be OK while re-syncing
I think you're running v.11, correct? Because I got the same message once when i was running a v.11 wallet...
Basically... the majority of nodes on the network are on v.12 and v.12 is telling v.11 to go away or it will be forked off.....

And congratz for getting your coins back! It's great to hear! :smile::cool: