Updates from Quantum: Epoch6 and Dash Evo Tool V0.1.0 Releases


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Epoch 6 is around the corner. Long live the new Epoch! Or at least for 9.125 Days. This Epoch enables withdrawals and with it we are releasing Dash Evo Tool V0.1.0. This version was quickly brought together so things are not in a polished state, however it should work for transferring credits from the Platform chain to the Core chain and for voting on name contests. We will be following up this version with very quick releases as we get more and more features working.One of the biggest issues is that people will wonder if their transfer between chains actually took place. This reporting feature currently is not available in the newly released tool, however it is in the Platform TUI (for those who are very tech savvy). We do not recommend checking in the TUI as no support will be offered, instead we recommend waiting a few days for the withdrawal queue to be visible in the Dash Evo Tool.Currently transfers between the Platform chain to the Core chain are limited to 10% of the available credits on Platform per day. This is for safety reasons as the chain is brand new. This was put into place to limit any catastrophic issue.Another issue is that Core currently has an issue where an asset unlock is only spendable by the last 2 quorums instead of the last 24 quorums as intended. This will be fixed in the upcoming Core release, but until then withdrawals can only happen when the top 2 quorums are active. Translated this means roughly 1 to 2 hours a day. You can use the Dash Evo Tool at any time though, and your withdrawal will be queued until it can be made.This release is unpackaged, that means once you download your binary here you need to go through a few extra steps.I will make instructions in a new post coming up.


We will be working on signed and easy to use packages for Dash-Evo-Tool. However if you do not wish to wait you can either compile the source code or use one of the executables we have provided.Windows is here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash-evo-tool/releases/download/v0.1.2/DashEvoTool-windows-x86_64.zipMac(arm m1-m4) is here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash-evo-tool/releases/download/v0.1.1/DashEvoTool-aarch64-mac.zipMac(x86) is here:https://github.com/dashpay/dash-evo-tool/releases/download/v0.1.1/DashEvoTool-x86_64-mac.zip
Once you have unzipped the package, you need to run it from the directory it is located in, this can be done through terminal.You need to have DashCore running, and you need to make sure your .env file located in the directory you unzipped matches the Dash Core config, we have provided sample Dash Core configs in the dash_core_configs sub folder.You can start Dash Core from within the app as well, in the last tab on the left side panel, you must have Dash Core synced before Dash Evo Tool will work correctly.After starting the App you can load an Evonode/Identity by clicking on the button on the top right.Insert your pro_tx_hash as the identifier, then add your owner private key and your voting private key. You can leave your payout address private key empty or enter it. If you enter it you will be able to make withdrawals to a different address then your default payout address. We currently do not suggest entering the payout address for now.It should take you back to the main screen at which point you will see a button for making a withdrawal. Set an amount in Dash (max does not work). And that's withdrawals.Stay tuned for a lot of updates, I am asking @thephez today to make tutorials to make this process easier as well.Please report issues here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash-evo-tool/issuesWe will have the next version end of week, in it you will be able to create identities and register names.

A work-in-progress guide for Dash Evo Tool has been made by @thephez

UPD (2):
The first batch of transfers from the Platform chain to the Core chain have happened as expected, v1.4 can now be categorized as a success, although limit per day is maxed out at 1000 Dash on Core side, but Platform believes it to be 10% (around 1400 Dash now). This means that 4 withdrawals were sent to Core but refused, and they will be retried in a day when more queue opens up. This issue will persist for a few days.

UPD from Pasta (3):
Applied fixes for getblock rpc and getblockstats rpc to make them work with withdrawal transactions (asset unlock). Link to GitHub.

UPD (3):
Dash Evo Tool v0.2 is here, there's so much new stuff it's best you just go watch the development update
(I marked the time). This is still experimental beta software so please use caution and expect some issues.Releases can be found here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash-evo-tool/releases/tag/v0.2.1
The biggest thing in this version is that you can create an identity, and register a name. Name voting is improved and there is also minimal wallet support (you will need a synced Dash Core). The wallet itself is encrypted on disk if you choose a password.Try it out. @thephez will be updating tutorials with new features.
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