Transaction malleability


New member
Foundation Member
Our favorite troll just told us that we don't have SEGWIT and for that our transactions are malleable.

From what i know thats wrong, and transactions malleability is fixed long time ago in DASH, isn't it?

The problem in bitcoin is it needs a hardfork to fix it, we had many hardforks and we fixed it in the early days, at least thats what i remember, we just didn't called that fix SEGWIT because it was long before that SEGWIT idea.

Someone has more info? Am i wrong with that?

Also curious about this... Since so much of the code is shared with Bitcoin, and I don't find any source confirming Dash ever fixed it, I'd guess it's not fixed in Dash...
[*]halsoActive Member

I have a couple of beginner type questions:

1. When i back up my wallet on a mac. The format of the .dat file is VLC. Is that all good, or should i be saving in a different format?

2. Does Dash also suffer from transaction malleability?

Thanks in advance.

[*]UdjinM6Official Dash Dev
Core DeveloperModerator
Hello there,

1. Yes, it's fine. VLC thinks it's his files because of the .dat extension but internally they are completely different.
2. Bitcoin addresses malleability (more or less) in Dash 12.0 has no such fix yet but will have the same fix in 12.1.


12.1 has
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Our favorite troll just told us that we don't have SEGWIT and for that our transactions are malleable.

From what i know thats wrong, and transactions malleability is fixed long time ago in DASH, isn't it?

The problem in bitcoin is it needs a hardfork to fix it, we had many hardforks and we fixed it in the early days, at least thats what i remember, we just didn't called that fix SEGWIT because it was long before that SEGWIT idea.

Someone has more info? Am i wrong with that?

Malleability is a feature not a bug.

For example, it could be used to answer the criticism about "Lazy Masternodes".
If the test for masternodes were based on the ability to malleate a transaction then it would have to be running the full stack rather than just responding to IPNG or more simple tests.
Malleability doesn't cause problems to those that understand it, it got a bad rap from MtGox when it was blamed for MtGox's bad code, but the failure was MtGox, not the protocol.
Every crypto-currency forked from the bitcoin's transaction architecture which has not implemented segregated witness is exposed to the risk of a malleability attack. (So, NO, Dash hasn't solve the problem on malleability attack)

This is the risk that prevent cryptos to do the most needed and ordinary tradings in a decentralized fashion, by smart contracts.

In few words: as a digital signature can not "sign" itself in dash's transaction structure, the signature field in a crypto transaction can be changed without changing the transaction, threatening the operability of certain smart contracts.

This can be a problem in many, but not all smart contracts. However it seems to be the case in this problem, which IMHO is very relevant to dash community.