I was having fun calculating is 1BTC = 1DRK possible, based on the world's shadow economy data:
Darkcoin considerations:
* 22.67% of the world's economy is shadow economy;
* if Bitcoin is (controlled) and DRK not; if 100% of all legal transactions are made in BTC, 22.67% are still left for DRK
* on May 29, 2014, DRK = $10.96 vs. BTC = $614.38
* on May 29, 2014 DRK / BTC 0.01811
* on May 29, 2014 BTC MC is $7,885,362,984
* on May 29, 2014 DRK MC is $47,580,747
* DRK / BTC MC ratio is >>> 0.603406 ( on May 29, 2014)
* if DRK goes to parity of 1 DRK = 1 BTC, DRK MC would be 2667567714
* 1 DRK = 1 BRC gives DRK MC of >>> 33.82923 % of the BTC MC
* 22.67% shadow economy vs. 33.83% max MC ratio ~ some DRK = 0.80 BTC is kind of a max value for DRK
* 4,450% growth in DRK price, or 44.50 more than today is possible