Things to do on Hard Fork


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Foundation Member
First Hard Fork I'm ever going through, have some doubts, double so regarding Masternodes.

I have my local / remote rockin' with 0.7.1. testnet. So on the 14 or 15th, what needs to be done? Will devs release a new daemon that we update... or is the hard-fork done in the back-end, making the current RC work?

I am confused, as there are hard-forks, and then there are hard-forks, and we have this down the line,

- RC2 (masternode payments, DGW3) : May 14th
- RC3 (1000 DRK limit and denominated change) : May 21st
- After this, I'll find someone to vet the code and open source.
- RC4 (Bugs, security issues)- Testing, then opensource
The hard-fork is already implemented in the running code. It switches according to block number and/or date and time. Nothing to do for us.
As it looks today the upcoming RC3 won't need a hard fork. But things can change rapidly. There are some undisclosed inventions in the pipeline.
But wait- there's one thing to do on 14th. Lookout for payments arriving!
What I mean is, does the actual hard-fork on the 14th makes you update the daemon again, or do these testnet RC's already capable?

I'm sure evan will release a new one in the meantime, with bug fixes and what not, just asking theoretically, is the transition to the new fork done via client side daemon mandatory update, or a pre-install will notice the fork in the blockchain?
The daemon does not notice the fork but simply creates it. A fork means, new blocks generated by miners using the new daemon are not any more compatible with the older blocks, so older daemons would not accept them and of course keep generating blocks the old way. If the majority of daemons is on the new branch of the blockchain, it is agreed that the new branch is legitimate.
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