Retrieve private key


New member
On the android mobile app for Dash Wallet (hashengineeringsolutions); I've successfully imported from paper an x amount of 'dash'.

Unfortunately, before I could create a backup, upon re-opening the app, the funds were gone. It seems that the app generated a new private key and somehow lost the link to the private key holding the funds. Is there any possibility (potentially a system folder?) to restore the previous private key and gain access to the funds?

Much appreciated.
I'm not entirely sure about this but I think sweeping a paper wallet actually uses the private key to immediately create a transaction and move all funds to an address controlled by software wallet. This is for security reasons, to prevent the paper wallet from being reused... Did you try to refresh/rescan the wallet somehow?
You are correct. The funds are moved to the 'software' address. However the software lost 'connection' to this address and seems to have generated a new address (with zero balance). How to retrieve address with the balance?
Just to let you know that HashEngineering has contacted me.
We investigated using the block explorer; somehow it seems the funds were not imported in the app correctly. Still are assigned to the paper wallet. Probably user mistake.

Thanks for the prompt response and great support.
You are correct. The funds are moved to the 'software' address. However the software lost 'connection' to this address and seems to have generated a new address (with zero balance). How to retrieve address with the balance?

This was a strange error for sure. To reply to the question above, each time an address is requested in the app a new address will be created. If you want to see a list of existing addresses, then go to the Address Book and then use the Browse function on a particular address.