Registered masternode and owner address changed


I just registered masternode following the dip003 guide, running a windows client and a linux node. "dash-cli masternode list" on my linux node is showing my masternode, but the owner address and voting address have all changed to something else which is not in my registration tx message, how is this possible?

460ecc6c1ab6fce1ba4fd88384cae19b988bff82dfae90777ef17aad7c61fe23 is the regtx
if you look it up in a block explorer, the owner address and voting address are

But the "dash-cli masternode list" on my linux node showed that the owner address and voting address are both something else: XvGSDdna1ZcXHYyjxBndeXngrNrLYeHb64

In my understanding of cryptocurrency, a signed message is not possible to change dramatically even with transaction malleability, I guess it is a listing problem? How is that masternode list maintained? Or some kind of update tx could overwrite my registration info with other owner address?
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But the "dash-cli masternode list" on my linux node showed that the owner address and voting address are both something else: XvGSDdna1ZcXHYyjxBndeXngrNrLYeHb64


I guess it is a listing problem?

That's because masternode list still shows the legacy list. The output will change when spork15 is activated on April 2nd. As long as protx info <regtx> shows the correct addresses you are fine

 dash-cli protx info 460ecc6c1ab6fce1ba4fd88384cae19b988bff82dfae90777ef17aad7c61fe23
  "proTxHash": "460ecc6c1ab6fce1ba4fd88384cae19b988bff82dfae90777ef17aad7c61fe23",
  "collateralHash": "bb13e72236d8bb57d4c7fde7b458f1e0cac8bc932f0618d971d790b04c910e0d",
  "collateralIndex": 1,
  "operatorReward": 0,
  "state": {
    "service": "",
    "registeredHeight": 1043979,
    "lastPaidHeight": 0,
    "PoSePenalty": 0,
    "PoSeRevivedHeight": -1,
    "PoSeBanHeight": -1,
    "revocationReason": 0,
    "ownerAddress": "XpgQu4G5CAR3WbgYM85QB2JLthU98YGSa8",
    "votingAddress": "XpgQu4G5CAR3WbgYM85QB2JLthU98YGSa8",
    "payoutAddress": "XpnRPDeBgUBkAZn7LrEdyFf6EK15D1fe83",
    "pubKeyOperator": "889c18828eb661ee9e3a967e2e05864d39de3666f57065ac1c6ccc14cb1bf22633117197bb18df78516f4c2b16f8070e"
  "confirmations": 352857,
  "wallet": {
    "hasOwnerKey": false,
    "hasOperatorKey": false,
    "hasVotingKey": false,
    "ownsCollateral": false,
    "ownsPayeeScript": false,
    "ownsOperatorRewardScript": false