
Thanks for your continued efforts to bring Dash to Africa. I had a few suggestions/questions for you:

1. I don't know if you're aware, but one of the proposals we funded is called Dash Academy: which creates this type of content and I believe there were plans to create different language versions for their instructional materials. You might want to get in contact with them to see if they have some dash-specific courses available that might be of use to your project. If you can leverage existing projects, it could cut costs for your project and the network as a whole.

2. Could you tell us about some of these other organizations and their events at which you'll be speaking?

3. $5 per brochure seems like an absurdly expensive price. Most people do not thoroughly read these materials and they're likely to end up in the garbage. It would be better to print much less costly brochures. I don't know about the cost of printing services in Africa, but here in the US, you can get very nice brochures printed for ~$1, and even cheaper if you buy in bulk as you plan to. I'd consider finding a different print shop or looking at one of many online printing options. Even with shipping, it would probably be much cheaper than this.

4. This is a very exciting part of your proposal. How are you advertising or inviting these individuals or groups to your conference? How are they finding out about it? What incentives do they have to attend?


1. This is helpful, the more people we can reach the better, and I've enjoyed seeing his work with the recipients of DashDirect's work.

2. Which kinds of schools are these, what kinds of age ranges?

3. Could you give us more details about what this event will entail and where the costs come from?

Over all I think this wil lbe a very successful and beneficial project, but I'd like to see a more thorough explanation of where your costs come from and more elaborate explanation of how you intend to accomplish these goals. A lot of the explanations seem to be "I will go here and do this thing and talk to these people and help Dash," but not a lot of discussion about what specifically you'll be doing or talking about or how educating these people will be helpful for Dash as a whole. Having more specifics would go a long way to increasing MNO confidence in funding your projects moving forward.
1. Great, I hope you're able to help each other out.
3. Hmm, I still think you should try to shop around online and see what kind of a deal you can get on a bulk order. I would bet you could find them much cheaper than $5/brochure. I understand prices in Africa are different, but that's less of a concern with online print shops provided you can find one that will ship to a location near you. That could significantly cut costs for your proposal or increase the amount of fliers you could purchase if you wanted to go for the same proposal cost.
4. It's good that you're working with existing organizations and their networks. What kind of attendance numbers do you expect at these events?
1.Thanks for the questions, we are targeting the Tertiary schools and the age ranges from 18 and above. With the ages, I believe strongly that after training them and imparting onto them requisite knowledge regarding the dash digital cash and the block chain technology, they will be able to ensure
1.peer to peer transaction
2.Become great ambassadors for dash digital cash
3.They will be able to communicate well to their communities.
The future of dash digital cash lies on the shoulders on the younger generation and we must pull all efforts to let them understand the concept of dash digital cash very well so they can further explain it better their parents and societies.
2.The event is scheduled to cover
1.Building and training of dash digital cash ambassadors and entrepreneurs
2.It will also cover producing dash block chain lectures via my YouTube channel that will reach out to over 1million viewers.
3We are also looking at establishing Dash digital cash entrepreneurship clubs among the various schools where younger generation will be train and tasked to provide various ideas on how together we can make dash digital cash a mainstream currency in the world. You know normally most students in the various schools normally have what we call #Project work that is to test the ideas they have on developing a concept or build and increasing the brand of a particular product or services ,dash school shall leverage on these ideas after training these young ones.
4.We are also looking at establishing dash digital cash block chain technology inter school competition. With this, we intend to have representative of the various schools to these competition where each school will bring their supporters to the event scene. We shall show this competition on national TV where people at home can learn about dash through these kids. After the event, we shall have at least two radio interview with the winning team and tasked them to organize a meet-up for us to scrutinized.
More so,

1. I already mailed them. We'd certainly work together to cut cost.

3. We're looking for offers around $3 or slightly less, but we may not get a good quality for less than $3.

4. Nigerian Blockchain Conference last year had over 1,000 participants, CDIN over 400. Our plan is to host 200 key participants in this event.

Ps. DASH Governor would be here shortly to answer questions regarding his proposal.

More so, we are looking at using the local languages because it is an established fact that people understand concept well when they are taught in their own language and teaching local women at Dash direct project on the dash block chain technology, i realized that it will be great to establish dash school which will use more of the local languages to engaged the people and also the business where we can actually get dash onto the mainstream as a currency. The idea is borned out of the experience i had as a facilitator at dash direct project (Able to teach local women who have not been to class one to be able to understand and now using dash wallet without ease)