Radio Wave Internett ...>>


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Masternode Owner/Operator
we talked about this at some point,
as for Arica and any development needed nation this will be great !

Wimax system !

My idea would be that we DRK will be the 1st crypto to make a Radio Wave Financial transaction !!

as i have no idea about the technical aspects of this and am just popping good (!?) ideas as always, maybe
vertoe flare who understands the technique needed and supplied can check this out !?
i am happy to get in touch with companies if needed but just want to make sure, they/ we would be ready (technically) for something like this !?

can you imagine
the first flock of goats sold in Mali with DRK !? and anonymous on top !
"Power to the Nomads"
(we would get some huge PR out if that one, and probably a couple of goats !!)
I read about some guys in uk who broadcast a bitcoin tx over radio already.
But we could be the first to broadcast a blockchain or something.
Rasberry pi has some cool hacks to make your own radio transmitter. And sdr receiver kits are super cheap now, like $5
I'll work on this if anyone else wants fun broadcasting all by yourself :)
radio has some inherently distinct anonymity features; mainly that a broadcast can be heard by any number of people but how many and where they are is basically impossible to determine.
Spies have been using pirate radio for decades, google "number stations"
hey red man
yes i think so too,
this is super interesting,
low cost and low tech !
would be great to a field experiment going !
It's easy and inexpensive Tungfa

From some random website:
"For more than 30 years the Shortwave radio spectrum has been used by the worlds intelligence agencies to transmit secret messages. These messages are transmitted by hundreds of Numbers Stations.
Shortwave Numbers Stations are a perfect method of anonymous, one way communication. Spies located anywhere in the world can be communicated to by their masters via small, locally available, and unmodified Shortwave receivers. The encryption system used by Numbers Stations, known as a one time pad is unbreakable. Combine this with the fact that it is almost impossible to track down the message recipients once they are inserted into the enemy country, it becomes clear just how powerful the Numbers Station system is."

I've never broadcast shortwave which goes globally but ive done around the house AM and FM transmissions. I think theres some legal issues to consider.
Im in the S.F. bay area if you want to try something short distance.

A Drkcoin number station would be super cool...spy crypto!
I wish man
i am in asia (far far away)
but i am really intreated by this !!