Mmmm, imho "price" does not equal value but then I guess I shouldn't be posting in a speculation thread in that case :/ It's easy enough to know who at least, just follow troll activity on BCT, you can even work out the time and duration of their breaks to discus strategy.
What to do about it? Ignore it and get on with things imho, a duff is a duff is a duff and a dollar's an entirely different and far inferior thing. But that's more inappropriate talk for a speculation thread so I'd suggest as many zero-loss volatility trading bots as possible to damp fluctuations and make manipulations expensive, get them talking to each other and you can even have a distributed stabilisation fund.
EDIT: The trades data would be worth looking at too, by the sounds of the trolls they're gamers that got rich but they seem to be under direction and if it's anything like the same kind of direction that's been on the bitcoin markets there's likely to be a high volume of trades with little price movement caused buy continualy buying slowly from the asks, dumping quickly to the sells and filling in the volume behind while the real volume builds. It's loss-making in the short term but can be part of a longer strategy, there's likely a way to make substantial profit from it but I've never looked into how as it could also make a big loss if countered and a volatility bot makes a small gain from it with potentially zero risk.