Please could someone spare me 5 minutes


New member
Please could someone help me on receiving dash from poloniex. I'm about to send over a large amount of dash to my dash wallet. But before sending it I did a trail run 1st to check it would all go through ok with no problems with about £5 worth..everything went well but...2days later I still haven't received anything in my wallet although it says in my transaction page, transaction received with a tick box and a amount in dash, but when I go to the overview button (main page) it's says 0.00 available dash also pending 0.00. Total dash 0.00?? Why don't I see my small amount of dash? This makes me nervous to transfer my large amount. Please can someone with experience help me thanks.

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Please could someone help me on receiving dash from poloniex. I'm about to send over a large amount of dash to my dash wallet. But before sending it I did a trail run 1st to check it would all go through ok with no problems with about £5 worth..everything went well but...2days later I still haven't received anything in my wallet although it says in my transaction page, transaction received with a tick box and a amount in dash, but when I go to the overview button (main page) it's says 0.00 available dash also pending 0.00. Total dash 0.00?? Why don't I see my small amount of dash? This makes me nervous to transfer my large amount. Please can someone with experience help me thanks.

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polonium is way overwhelmed these days
ton of delays and issues
u should contact them direct (start ticket) and see what is up