Yes it was me I mixed things tbh.Thanks, I had this already. I currently have the following conf commands:
Someone on Telegram support said that port 9998 was for the testnet. But the above still does not connect (with either port). I also tried adding:
Also, I get this message in the debug.log:
socket recv error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (10054)
Thank you!
Now you just need to successfully complete a swap and report back
Yes it was me I mixed things tbh.
9999 and 9998 ports are for mainnet.
p2p ^ and rpc^
For testnet are same as above but with 1 in front of each so 19999 and 19998
I'll put Thorswap on my list of things to look into!That's good! I agree, the liquidity is really low, which is why I'm waiting for Thorswap.
(some of Thorchains tokenomics bothers me but the liquidity is the big draw)
No problem! Part of the motive behind my doing this all is for the learning experience. Of course, there is no necessity that I buy through this Dapp, but I wanted to work through and solve the problem--with help .
I'll put Thorswap on my list of things to look into!
Looking at their website, I don't see XMR listed. Do they support XMR swaps, by chance?