Need help setting up the light wallet


New member
Hello Dash community,

I am new to the dash cryptocurrency and I would like to set up the light wallet on my linux computer. I have a 64 bit linux computer and unfortunately I have no idea what to do after downloading the installer.bin file. What steps do I have to take to get this application to run. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Take Care
I imagine it is this:
(you gotta change it from BTC to Dash Wallet obviously)

Installation on Ubuntu Linux
Using the Terminal application, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-pip python-slowaes
sudo pip install
Ubuntu 14.04 makes it possible to install Electrum through the Software Center. Click the briefcase icon to the left of the Ubuntu desktop. Then enter “electrum” into the search box of the Software Center window.

can somebody please post the Dash Terminal commands
i post them then onto the Wiki !
(or a whole guide ? some pics too ? :wink:)
I appreciate the help and the quick response tungfa I keep trying the sudo pip install and tried the link on the download page but I don't think that is right because I keep getting a failure.
I appreciate the help and the quick response tungfa I keep trying the sudo pip install and tried the link on the download page but I don't think that is right because I keep getting a failure.

buster to the rescue please
(sorry I have no idea about Linux , he is the pro)
Thanks for the assistance. buster I try to double click but nothing happens I will join the slack and communicate through there.

I see you in slack. Waiting to help you out man. Where did you go?

1) DOwnload Electrum-DASH-2.4.1_Linux_x86_64-Installer.bin from here

2) Open terminal, CD to location of file download.

3) ls command, make sure Electrum-DASH-2.4.1_Linux_x86_64-Installer.bin is listed.

4) chmod +x Electrum-DASH-2.4.1_Linux_x86_64-Installer.bin

5) ./Electrum-DASH-2.4.1_Linux_x86_64-Installer.bin
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for some reason yesterday my browser did not want me to get into slack it kept saying Err_Timed_Out. I appreciate you typing it out for me I got it to work. Thank you very much :)