Multiple MNs on one VPS


Active member
Hey folks, does darkcoind listen to all IPs on a VPS or only the one specified in the config file?

I want to set up a couple of masternodes on a single VPS with multiple IPs and I'm wondering if I'm going to have to do any additional configuration.

Does anyone know how this works?
Thanks stonehedge. I saw that one, was just wondering if maybe the process has been simplified by now with all the updates we've had.
Just wondering what the benefit (other than financial) to running more than one MN on a server is? Seems putting more in one place is a bad thing, I like to see more hosted in various data centers round the world, the more we put in Amazon/Vultr/<popular place> seems like a bit of a bad idea.
hey ErrorId did you get any further with this? Did you get it sorted?
Sorry for the late reply MrZilch, no, I didn't take this any further as there would've been too many eggs in one basket and with the cheap price of VPS's out there it didn't make much sense.
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