Merchant Directory Separation ....>


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
can we please separate the
Merchant Directory
into Subfolders !!


- Online
- Shopping
- Investment / Fine Metals
- General
- Cloud Servers
- Merchandise
- DarkNet Links (?!)

i think we will get many new Merchants coming soon :)wink:) and i believe it is time
to organize this a bit.

Propulsion can you please do that ?!
I am happy to organize the existing threads into folders if you want (and i can)

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- General Merchants (Shopping)
- Tech Merchants (VPN, Cloud Servers, Apps)
- Gambling/Betting Merchants
- DarkNet Merchants/ Pages (not sure if you/we want that)

I think we could start with these and take it from there ?!
What do you think ?
I am happy to help organizing the exhausting threads, but i probably have no access .....
or i could do new threads /organized into the new Subfolders ?!
Let me know how i can help !
Yes, that's possible. Give me categories that you'd like and I'll make the changes.

hey props
do not worry about it for now
I think with the new list we are all good for now !