Masternode Unlisted


Active member
I was running my MN just fine for 2 days and then it got unlisted by some reason unknown to me.
I got allot of help from Splawik21 from BCT and he patiently guided me through this problem, and now I want to pay it forward and show how this was fixed.
This guide is for a Linux cold wallet setup (linux VM and linux server)

The brackets <> are for commands in the terminal, dont include.

1. Close LOCAL wallet
2. Stop REMOTE wallet < ./darkcoind stop >

3. In your LOCAL machine go to /home folder there is a hidden .darkcoin folder there .. hit ctrl+h to see that hidden folder.
4. Inside the .darkcoin folder is a file named darkcoin.conf open it.
5. You need to change two things,
change: masternode=1 to masternode=0
And delete the old key masternodeprivkey=7sdufhsdofhosdihfosidhfoishdfsud ; It should just say masternodeprivkey=
6.Safe the file

7. Do the same for your REMOTE darkcoin.conf
in terminal do <nano darkcoin.conf>
8. Change file like we did in step 5.
9. When done hit ctrl-x, say yes to saving changes and hit Enter

Now we need to create a new masternode key.

10. Open your LOCAL wallet, go to the debug window
and write: masternode genkey


11. Copy that new masternode key
12. Close the wallet
13. Paste your new masternode key into your Local and Remote darkcoin.conf file
masternodeprivkey=7sK8qKztsadoia--NEW KEY--2SDAS23d23asdaSDa
Also set masternode=1
14. safe both .conf files
But If you are like me and have 10.11.6 version on REMOTE server and on LOCAL
You might get this error when trying to generate a new key.


To fix this download the 10.11.6 version to your LOCAL machine, apparently the same version has to be on both machines.

15. Go to REMOTE terminal and start darkcoin server < ./darkcoind >
16. run debug < ./darkcoind masternode debug >
(it will say: Missing masternode input, please look at something......) -- ignore it

17. Go to your LOCAL wallet and in the debug window write
walletpassphrase YOURPASSWORD 60

18. masternode start YOURPASSWORD
19. Close wallet.

20. Go to terminal and write <./darkcoind masternode list | grep > (but put in your REMOTE server IP address in there)
If something like "" : 1 comes up
Then you have succesfully restarted your masternode and should be good to go :)

Again Thanks to Splawik21 for his patience walking me through this.
Hope this helps :D

here is a link to check if the node is up and running
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all clear :) everybody were noobs one day ;) A good beer from icebucket is cool :D