lock transactions


Is there a way to lock an entire wallet public address from being spent in the wallet? I know if you have 1000 Dash collateral for a MN the wallet will lock it but what if I want all the payments that go to that MN address to also be locked? Can that be done by a single setting? Can I lock each individual payment?

Is there a way to lock an entire wallet public address from being spent in the wallet? I know if you have 1000 Dash collateral for a MN the wallet will lock it but what if I want all the payments that go to that MN address to also be locked? Can that be done by a single setting? Can I lock each individual payment?

You can manually lock individual payments during send by enabling expert/coin control features via options and clicking inputs and list then right click and lock 'unspent' but they are all the same receiving key pair, am not aware it can be done automatically without writing a piece of code.
(the 1k private key can be shared with another wallet but the 1k+payments will be vulnerable to attack in the second hot wallet for example)

Have you encrypted your wallet keys, that is an absolute must, and make sure your backups in the roaming folder were deleted as they would not be encrypted by default at initial startup.