New member
This is for a spot on our human faucet handout.We print a tweet you send to us .We put it into
QR form .(We recommend tweets or Facebook page like)
These QR sheets are loaded with free coins,links to popular crypto sites,stores,markets and more .
The more links per sheet that the person tweets ,posts we tip them more. We give them a reason
to use all the links, You get to promote to all their friends. 1 darkcoin per ad space on fliers ,Top space $200 per month with 3 qr ad spaces included
This is for 1 printing on 1000 handouts .
QR form .(We recommend tweets or Facebook page like)
These QR sheets are loaded with free coins,links to popular crypto sites,stores,markets and more .
The more links per sheet that the person tweets ,posts we tip them more. We give them a reason
to use all the links, You get to promote to all their friends. 1 darkcoin per ad space on fliers ,Top space $200 per month with 3 qr ad spaces included
This is for 1 printing on 1000 handouts .