Thought I would share with you guys a new ponzi that is just about to be released
Yes, a ponzi, but it is in game style. First people in win, last people lose. When the bank has enough funds it pays the next in line.
Insta pays 125% and accepts 7 currencies
Check it out, hasn't yet launched: https://instaponzi.com
Also DDoS/SSL secured so you're protected, and transparent on the blockchain.
Thought I would share with you guys a new ponzi that is just about to be released
Yes, a ponzi, but it is in game style. First people in win, last people lose. When the bank has enough funds it pays the next in line.
Insta pays 125% and accepts 7 currencies
Check it out, hasn't yet launched: https://instaponzi.com
Also DDoS/SSL secured so you're protected, and transparent on the blockchain.