Why are you trying to compile from source cant you just download the linux.tar.gz at dashpay.io and use the compiled dashd inside? Then drag and drop the dashd to a specified location on your local drive, Open terminal and CD to the location of the dashd?
I've never run the Dashd on my local machine so I'm not 100% sure how it works. I'm down to give it a try though if it makes things easier.
*edit okay I did it*
I just did it and it's pretty easy.
1) Visit dashpay.io and download the linux.tar.gz package.
2) Extract the dash folder
3) Find the bin > 64 or 32 > dashd icon.
4) Put icon on your local machine somewhere.
5) Create dash.conf file and put this inside. (remove the <>)
alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Dash Alert" <
[email protected]>
6) put your dash.conf file inside the dash data directory. This is usually home/user/.dash
7) Open a terminal CD to the directory where dashd is located.
8) ./dashd (to start daemon)
9) ./dashd getinfo (to see if you are downloading the blockchain)
Is this what you are looking for?
**Edit again... Not sure if this works without dependencies?