Install Dashcoind to ubuntu 14.04


New member
i try to compile dashcoin daemon from source but cant get it to work. i successfully installed other coints on my ubuntu 14.04 like btc ltc nmc.
any tutorial or help would be awesome
i think this is not how u compile from source

Why are you trying to compile from source cant you just download the linux.tar.gz at and use the compiled dashd inside? Then drag and drop the dashd to a specified location on your local drive, Open terminal and CD to the location of the dashd?

I've never run the Dashd on my local machine so I'm not 100% sure how it works. I'm down to give it a try though if it makes things easier.

*edit okay I did it*

I just did it and it's pretty easy.

1) Visit and download the linux.tar.gz package.
2) Extract the dash folder
3) Find the bin > 64 or 32 > dashd icon.
4) Put icon on your local machine somewhere.
5) Create dash.conf file and put this inside. (remove the <>)
alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Dash Alert" <[email protected]>

6) put your dash.conf file inside the dash data directory. This is usually home/user/.dash
7) Open a terminal CD to the directory where dashd is located.
8) ./dashd (to start daemon)
9) ./dashd getinfo (to see if you are downloading the blockchain)

Is this what you are looking for?

**Edit again... Not sure if this works without dependencies?
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Why are you trying to compile from source cant you just download the linux.tar.gz at and use the compiled dashd inside? Then drag and drop the dashd to a specified location on your local drive, Open terminal and CD to the location of the dashd?

I've never run the Dashd on my local machine so I'm not 100% sure how it works. I'm down to give it a try though if it makes things easier.

*edit okay I did it*

I just did it and it's pretty easy.

1) Visit and download the linux.tar.gz package.
2) Extract the dash folder
3) Find the bin > 64 or 32 > dashd icon.
4) Put icon on your local machine somewhere.
5) Create dash.conf file and put this inside. (remove the <>)
alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Dash Alert" <[email protected]>

6) put your dash.conf file inside the dash data directory. This is usually home/user/.dash
7) Open a terminal CD to the directory where dashd is located.
8) ./dashd (to start daemon)
9) ./dashd getinfo (to see if you are downloading the blockchain)

Is this what you are looking for?

**Edit again... Not sure if this works without dependencies?

thank you
i did everything as you told me and i getting this

xxxxxxxx@Private:~/Desktop/64$ dashd
No command 'dashd' found, did you mean:
Command 'dash' from package 'dash' (main)
dashd: command not found

not sure what to do. i installed btc ltc and nmc on my machine without problem before. but i installed from source,,,


NEVER MIND WORKS !!!! i didn't use ./ when put dashd.... wonder why we need that,
because i start my btc and ltc without ./

thank you so much :)
thank you
i did everything as you told me and i getting this

xxxxxxxx@Private:~/Desktop/64$ dashd
No command 'dashd' found, did you mean:
Command 'dash' from package 'dash' (main)
dashd: command not found

not sure what to do. i installed btc ltc and nmc on my machine without problem before. but i installed from source,,,
You need to either copy dashd to /usr/bin and then run dashd or run it exactly as buster has in step 8 ./dashd (note ./ )
NEVER MIND WORKS !!!! i didn't use ./ when put dashd.... wonder why we need that,
because i start my btc and ltc without ./

If you want a little more info as to why:
In Linux, UNIX and related operating systems, . denotes the current directory. Since you want to run a file in your current directory and that directory is not in your $PATH, you need the ./ bit to tell the shell where the executable is. So, ./foo means run the executable called foo that is in this directory.

(Directly copied from
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If you want a little more info as to why:
In Linux, UNIX and related operating systems, . denotes the current directory. Since you want to run a file in your current directory and that directory is not in your $PATH, you need the ./ bit to tell the shell where the executable is. So, ./foo means run the executable called foo that is in this directory.

(Directly copied from
I see, understand now thank you guys for help.

do you think I need to install dependencies if I use ready binaries ?
do I only need those when compile from source ?
I see, understand now thank you guys for help.

do you think I need to install dependencies if I use ready binaries ?
do I only need those when compile from source ?

I would also like to know more about the dependencies. From my understanding you only need them if you are going to build the wallet from source code. the libboost dependencies, from what I've researched are C++ Source Libraries that come from - I'm just unsure of what each library does. Anyways if there is a pro out there who might have time to quickly explain that would be cool!

*edit oh and scooter1986 I'm glad you got your wallet up and running.
i found this under /dash-0.11.2/doc/


Library | Purpose | Description
libssl | SSL Support | Secure communications
libdb4.8 | Berkeley DB | Wallet storage
libboost | Boost | C++ Library
miniupnpc | UPnP Support | Optional firewall-jumping support
qt | GUI | GUI toolkit
protobuf | Payments in GUI | Data interchange format used for payment protocol
libqrencode | QR codes in GUI | Optional for generating QR codes

and im agree with you, its looks like you only need dependencies when build from source. but i would like to verify this with someone who has more knowledge

to generate wallet im pretty sure you need libdb4.8 no matter what. specially when you using the latest ubuntu you have to have a old 4.8 Berkeley DB
I'm not a systems expert, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. If someone is more knowledgeable about this, please chime in!

There are two main types of libraries developers use when writing code:
- Static libraries (usually .a in Linux)
- Dynamic libraries -- aka dynamically linked libraries, or shared library (.so in Linux, .dll in windows)

When someone compiles an executable that references a static library, the linker actually takes the libraries object code and includes it in the resulting executable. This makes the executable self-sufficient since everything it needs to work is included with it. At the same time however, this can make the executable's file size much larger. One downside to static linking is that if a library gets updated, the entire program that uses it will have to be re-compiled and distributed.

On the other hand, when someone compiles a program that uses dynamic libraries (dynamic linking), the linker makes a reference to the library, but does not actually include any of its code. When the program needs something in the library, the system will go find the necessary code and return it to the program. Dynamic libraries can be used by more than program. An advantage to dynamic linking is that if the library changes, the program using it does not have to be recompiled provided the calling conventions remain the same. Another benefit is that programs written in different languages can all call and use the same dynamic library.

So long story short, it depends on what libraries/dependancies the program you want to run uses. If the program only uses static libraries, it can be downloaded and run without worrying about dependancies, but if it uses dynamic libraries then it will be necessary for the user to download the them as dependencies (if they don't already have them).
I'm not a systems expert, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. If someone is more knowledgeable about this, please chime in!

There are two main types of libraries developers use when writing code:
- Static libraries (usually .a in Linux)
- Dynamic libraries -- aka dynamically linked libraries, or shared library (.so in Linux, .dll in windows)

When someone compiles an executable that references a static library, the linker actually takes the libraries object code and includes it in the resulting executable. This makes the executable self-sufficient since everything it needs to work is included with it. At the same time however, this can make the executable's file size much larger. One downside to static linking is that if a library gets updated, the entire program that uses it will have to be re-compiled and distributed.

On the other hand, when someone compiles a program that uses dynamic libraries (dynamic linking), the linker makes a reference to the library, but does not actually include any of its code. When the program needs something in the library, the system will go find the necessary code and return it to the program. Dynamic libraries can be used by more than program. An advantage to dynamic linking is that if the library changes, the program using it does not have to be recompiled provided the calling conventions remain the same. Another benefit is that programs written in different languages can all call and use the same dynamic library.

So long story short, it depends on what libraries/dependancies the program you want to run uses. If the program only uses static libraries, it can be downloaded and run without worrying about dependancies, but if it uses dynamic libraries then it will be necessary for the user to download the them as dependencies (if they don't already have them).
Really usefull information
Thank you so much!

So 1 last question i have, is dash daemon using static or dynamic libs ? Probobly dynamic i guess
Really usefull information
Thank you so much!

So 1 last question i have, is dash daemon using static or dynamic libs ? Probobly dynamic i guess
Both static and dynamic libs are being used in dash daemon. :)
try "ldd dashd" , the result display dynamic library required for running dashd.
Note : ldd is command to print shared library dependencies.