Iceland’s Bankers Face 74 Years in Prison While US Banks Profit After Your Bailout

Good enough for the bastards and fair play to the Icelanders for giving them what they deserve, wish we'd had the balls to do it.

EDIT: 74 years between 24 of them, so only around 2 to 6 years each, not near enough to stop them trying it again. Hope they succeed in extending the maximum penalties, those scum wanted to turn the entire country into debt slaves and they deserve the same in kind.

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Its was the Icelandic women that lead the resistance,

"There is never a problem with me being a woman, whereas in the UK there is always an undercurrent. Most Icelandic men genuinely view women as equal. They are not shackled with our social and class history, and they don't have all-boys public schools which breed chauvinism. Corporate women in the UK can be very aggressive, because they are defensive and because they have to be. I'm sure Icelandic women will play an even bigger role now because the men have so spectacularly fucked up. We have a lot to learn from them, but we are so entrenched I don't know if it will ever happen."