getnetworkinfo "score"


Well-known member
Masternode Owner/Operator
Am curious, "dash-cli getnetworkinfo" produces a json block at the end that looks like this:

"localaddresses": [
"address": "",
"port": 9999,
"score": 12345
"warnings": ""

What is this "score" thing?
Am curious, "dash-cli getnetworkinfo" produces a json block at the end that looks like this:

"localaddresses": [
"address": "",
"port": 9999,
"score": 12345
"warnings": ""

What is this "score" thing?

According to, it is:
"The number of incoming connections during the uptime of this node that have used this address in their version message."

Normally you can check what fields are by running the "help <command>". Seems the help output isn't all that helpful for this one though..
I wish they had chosen a more descriptive name. It seems more like a "count-incoming" than a "score". Someone might think it is related to PoSe Score.
Someone might think it is related to PoSe Score.

or more likely banscore which is what I was first thinking. A banscore is a number a node gives to other nodes based on how badly they are misbehving, eg can't connect, sending bad data, etc, the node will locally assign it a score so as to avoid connecting to it again later.