Feb - 15 - Darkcoin Releases InstantX; Value Continues to Ascend

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Darkcoin Releases InstantX; Value Continues to Ascend
Posted on 8:08 am February 11, 2015 Author Gola YashuCategories Altcoins



Darkcoin core developer Evan Duffield recently announced the launch of Darkcoin Core’s new version, featuring the keenly-awaited InstantX feature.

To those who still don’t know about InstantX, it is an answer to Bitcoin’s underprivileged transaction confirmation process. Against the latter’s 10-15 minute confirmation time, Darkcoin’s new InstantX feature has promised to take only 4-7 seconds for the same. You can read more about this feature here.

In his blogpost, Duffield has claimed InstantX to have been returning over 98% positive results. This nearly makes it executable in its current form. Furthermore, the award-winning developer has ensured the transactions will return to its normal proof of work state in case of failure.

But overall, the deployment of InstantX in the cryptocurrency industry is indeed a promising move. This could literally help businesses that demand instantaneous transactions, like online gambling, direct retail stores, etc. A practical implementation of this technology, if done right, could also stand neck-to-neck with other instantaneous payment methods like credit and debit cards.

Other Features
Other than InstantX, the Darkcoin Core v.0.11.1 is featuring “a new version of enforcement that works with the updated Bitcoin architecture, huge improvements to Darksend, many more languages supported, lower bandwidth usage and a fully implemented sporking framework.”

Darkcoin Value Rocketing

Over the last few weeks, we have been noticing Darkcoin attempting a bull run towards establishing new resistance levels. Before the aforementioned update, we didn’t believe if there was any specific reason to have actually influenced an uptrend. As things seem to be looking more clear now, one can explain the reason behind the long-lasting surge in the DRK/USD market.

In the last 24 hours, Darkcoin’s overall market cap and price in USD market has surged over 40%. [Source: Coingecko]
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