Explaining Owner Address - Voting Address - PayOut Address - feeSourceAddress


New member

Please can somebody explain how are this addresses works together.

Are Owner Address - Voting Address - feeSourceAddress

Should be generated inside same wallet as a Collateral Address?

Rules are same for EVO Nodes and regular nodes?

feeSourceAddress needs to be within same wallet as a Collateral Address in,
Or it can be within same wallet of PayOut Address witch is from a different wallet that's own Collateral Address.

Masternode Concepts​

also found this helpful
  • Masternodes are “registered” and begin offering services when a ProRegTx special transaction containing a particular key is written to the blockchain.
  • The ProRegTx references the transaction id (txid) and index holding the collateral. The IP address and port of the masternode are also defined in this transaction.
  • The ProRegTx contains 2 Dash addresses (also called public keys) and one BLS public key, which represent 3 different roles in the masternode and define update and voting rights. The keys are:
    1. ownerKeyAddr: This is a Dash address (public key) controlled by the masternode owner. It is different from the address used for the collateral. Because the owner uses the private key associated with this address to issue ProUpRegTx transactions, it must be unique for each masternode.
    2. operatorPubKey: This is the BLS public key of the masternode operator. Only the operator is allowed to issue ProUpServTx transactions. Because the operator key is used during live masternode operation to sign masternode-related P2P messages, quorum-related messages and governance trigger votes, the BLS key must be unique for each masternode.
    3. votingKeyAddr: This is a Dash address (public key) used for proposal voting. Votes signed with the corresponding private key are valid while the masternode is in the registered set.
  • Masternode owners should specify an address different from the collateral to receive payments in the ProRegTx. The owner may optionally specify a non-zero percentage as payment to a separate masternode operator, if applicable.
  • The masternode configuration can later be updated using ProUpServTx, ProUpRegTx and ProUpRevTx transactions. See Updating Masternode Information in DIP003 and Updating Masternode Information in this documentation for more details.
The process of setting up or upgrading a masternode is as follows:

  1. Set up your server and operating system
  2. Install the Dash software and synchronize the blockchain
  3. Generate a BLS key pair and enter the private key on the masternode
  4. Prepare a ProRegTx transaction
  5. Sign the ProRegTx transaction
  6. Submit the signed ProRegTx transaction
Step 1 can be omitted if you have an existing server.
Steps 2 and 3 require direct access to the masternode.
Steps 3 and 4 require access to a Dash Wallet (or DMT).
Step 5 requires access to the wallet actually holding the collateral.
Step 6 requires a Dash balance to pay the transaction fee.
But its still not answering on initial question

If Collateral are kept on Wallet-1.dat - and its goes to cold storage.

Can BLS keys, Owner Address - Voting Address - PayOut Address
Be in Wallet-2.dat that is keeps as hot wallet.

Also i cant get how is working feeSourceAddress is it should be in Wallet-1 or Wallet-2.
Is it only applicable to Regular nodes or to Evonodes also.
So, yes but let me explain. Yes you can keep different keys on different wallets.

Note the BLS key is generated separately and is not stored in the wallet. The BLS key does not control money, and is used by masternodes for extra functions including instant send and chain locks. I keep a BLS key backup in a text file on my local machine. I'm sure someone might suggest a more secure backup strategy.

You could distribute the four other addresses (collateral, payout, voting, owner) between the two wallets as you describe. Some people might put their collateral address and payout address in cold storage. While keeping their owner key hot. For evo nodes, the owner key can only withdraw from platform to the payout address. While the payout address can withdraw to any address.

Basically if you want to spend your rewards right away make payout key hot. If you want more security payout key cold.

Edit: improve English
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But its still not answering on initial question

If Collateral are kept on Wallet-1.dat - and its goes to cold storage.

Can BLS keys, Owner Address - Voting Address - PayOut Address
Be in Wallet-2.dat that is keeps as hot wallet.

Also i cant get how is working feeSourceAddress is it should be in Wallet-1 or Wallet-2.
Is it only applicable to Regular nodes or to Evonodes also.

Questions were answered in the linked forum post. You only keep the collateral address in cold storage, everything else in hot wallets, is it clear now?