Evolution - Decentralized Network Administration Discussion


Well-known member
Foundation Member
The Dash Network is run by a decentralized administration workforce, known as the Masternode
network. This is a decentralized P2P network comprised of thousands of people that together
can administer the network, remove threats, deal with attacks and reduce the load and strain on
the network by taking appropriate actions.
"Based on the shared infrastructure and quorums, Masternode operators will use a SQLlike
language called DSQL. This will allow the Masternode network to vote to ban malicious users or
even entire networks of related attackers. After ridding the network of these attacks, we can
restore the trust network to its preattack state."

Is it just me, or is this a dangerous precedent? Obviously we need to flesh out how "malicious users" are identified. Can users change their identity at will?
i would like to know more about who the banning exactly effects, am i correct in assuming miners, masternodes and users can be banned ?
Will this effect their funds ? their nodes ? their masternodes ?

This is the answer i received from Evan in my post in section General Topics btw :
All that means is the people that run Masternodes (you and me) are administering our network, i.e., network administers. On the new Dash network, we have some majority quorum powers, for example if a user attacks the network we can ban them. It will work like a budget proposal, except it will require a large percent of the network to execute the same command and after it is successful result in the network executing a command securely.