DRK Promotion is a 1 on 1 deal ...>>


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Masternode Owner/Operator
hey guys and girls
as i am doing a lot of DRK promotion i just wanted to share a thought !
sure we need and are looking for big PR and magazines and whatnot
DRK is really a 1 on 1 thing !
you "convert" one person he will tell his best friend, who tells the next and maybe they do a MN together !

i signed up on a local HK chatromm and these boys (well educated, all run startups and whatnot in BTC) are totally intrieged by DRK ! I am not very good in "converting" people , i just tell them what i am interested in and do for DRK .
boom .... one guy charts up his buddy (on that chatroom ) "mate we should get into that and share as MN " .... 10 minutes later they started a seperate Chatroom "The Dark Side" .... i checked this morning and by now there are 6 people on that chat, they are shopping DRK like mad (bummer mintpal is not what it used to be) and they are trying to set up 3-5 MN's !!

same on Facebook ... people get back to me with simple questions .... a couple of back and forth ... and another converted !

all i am trying to say is that you can promote DRK as good as any other guy here ! use your twitter (look at TaoOfSatoshi ) he got that totally rolling, FB, join chat groups and whatnot .... if you introduce / convert 1 person at a time it is a win win .... so lets get on it ....>>
hey guys and girls
as i am doing a lot of DRK promotion i just wanted to share a thought !
sure we need and are looking for big PR and magazines and whatnot
DRK is really a 1 on 1 thing !
you "convert" one person he will tell his best friend, who tells the next and maybe they do a MN together !

i signed up on a local HK chatromm and these boys (well educated, all run startups and whatnot in BTC) are totally intrieged by DRK ! I am not very good in "converting" people , i just tell them what i am interested in and do for DRK .
boom .... one guy charts up his buddy (on that chatroom ) "mate we should get into that and share as MN " .... 10 minutes later they started a seperate Chatroom "The Dark Side" .... i checked this morning and by now there are 6 people on that chat, they are shopping DRK like mad (bummer mintpal is not what it used to be) and they are trying to set up 3-5 MN's !!

same on Facebook ... people get back to me with simple questions .... a couple of back and forth ... and another converted !

all i am trying to say is that you can promote DRK as good as any other guy here ! use your twitter (look at TaoOfSatoshi ) he got that totally rolling, FB, join chat groups and whatnot .... if you introduce / convert 1 person at a time it is a win win .... so lets get on it ....>>

It only takes a minute out of your day to tweet or post a time or two about the virtues of Dark. We have an awesome coin here, it's great to show some swagger!

Tweet, post, email, do whatever it takes to promote DRK in your own way! See my updated post on my Twitter Initiative thread for inspiration.

It WILL make a difference, one tweet or post at a time. The snowball is rolling....

BTW, Tungfa, how do you tag people on this forum?
This is an interesting point. I'm reminded of Claude Hopkins. He was an early 20th century adman, today considered the father of modern advertising. He wrote a treatise on this subject, comparing advertising to salesmanship writ large. He suggested that before you sell one million people you need to sell one person. Many admen would actually go door to door to hear the typical criticisms and objections of potential prospects, this they felt equipped them to write better ads.

In short, the idea was to determine, through experimentation, what worked for the hundreds and thereby determine what would work for the millions. Naturally every person is different and it is usually a different feature or benefit that catches a person's interest. In salesmanship this is known as the "hot-button" and it's usually pressed until the buyer commits. And it's why advertisers use different ads for different cohorts.
Darkcoin has potential in the following areas:
1. It has a reponsive community (including the developers).
2. Anonymisation.
3. It is currently limited to CPU and GPU mining (if that changes I hope the developers update the hash algorithm (an example is feather coin).

If these areas continue then I see no reason why this coin should fail.
Darkcoin has potential in the following areas:
1. It has a reponsive community (including the developers).
2. Anonymisation.
3. It is currently limited to CPU and GPU mining (if that changes I hope the developers update the hash algorithm (an example is feather coin).

If these areas continue then I see no reason why this coin should fail.

I'd add at least one more:
The financial sector is unlikely to embrace it.

Maybe that sounds like a bad thing but they're really screwing up Bitcoin both from squeezing every last dollar from it on the speculative side and from slowing innovation on the coding and regulatory side. Grats to the darkcoin devs, I only caught a little of the community aspect of Bitcoin before it was flooded with hype, trolls and predators and finding darkcoin has been a wake up call, a much needed reminder of how open source development works. Imho that's one of the biggest selling points and long may it last.
Great post and eye opener for everyone!
and indeed, bitcoin is getting f***&^%&ed up by governments and stuff, and it has NO privacy (some "agencies" are able to track the s**t out of every transaction now). darkcoin IS going to be a boom pretty soon! wait till Switzerland signs the bank privacy stuff in Europe (2018 they say but i don't believe them)