DIF Supervisor Election 2024


Active member
The application form is live!

We also got our website up and running again. There are still some cosmetic issues, but the post asking for applications is here: https://www.dashinvests.org/election-2024-call-for-applications/

If you have any questions, please ask here. Anyone interested in running, start filling in and I also invite any candidates to post in this thread and introduce themselves.
How is this going? Have you had any applicants? This is scary if nobody wants to do this :( I'm afraid I have absolutely no business taking on such responsibility both due to a flaky brain and my current time constraints.
Question for Josef

What was your part in the Prospera project? I do like your videos on how Bitcoin works. However, you documents are in German here:
and they are pictures, so we can't translate them in Google translate or anything, is there a reason for this?

Do you know this person @Sven ? can you help us know if this is a good person to put on the board? Thanks. It's really awesome that someone stepped up to do this important work, and I really appreciate it, but want to really get to know who ends up on our DIF Board :) Thanks!
@Sven ? can you help us know if this is a good person to put on the board?
As a sitting supervisor, it wouldn't be prudent for me to endorse or disparage any running candidate. I don't want to open myself to accusations of cronyism. I'm afraid you'll have to evaluate each candidate based on what they publish themselves.
Question for Josef

What was your part in the Prospera project? I do like your videos on how Bitcoin works. However, you documents are in German here:
and they are pictures, so we can't translate them in Google translate or anything, is there a reason for this?

Do you know this person @Sven ? can you help us know if this is a good person to put on the board? Thanks. It's really awesome that someone stepped up to do this important work, and I really appreciate it, but want to really get to know who ends up on our DIF Board :) Thanks!
jup, thx for asking
DASH is a currency not made for developed nations in my opinion.

So people whos native langue ist Spanish , arabic ... some southeastasian language would be the Choice...
the way to go.

got more datails for prospera last week ....on the conference in prag..
Currently some legal issues... so on hold.
End the fed is no realistic slogan for prospera.

further Answers:
so we can't translate them in Google translate or anything, is there a reason for this?
does it matter?
What matters is strategy.
What matters the most in my opinion is the DASH Price.
Not "better" Software or something new like EVO updates...

The main Task of the DIF is to outperform the
One-year government bond
, thats it.

From a US-American Perspective the situation looks dire.

So, collapsing FIAT - System Countries are the Chance for DASH.
Not the Euro-Zone, Not the USD-Zone.

In the DASH Community this Realization may still have to rise.
After it does, the focus is on which region ?
What do you think? Which region would be the best currently?
As a sitting supervisor, it wouldn't be prudent for me to endorse or disparage any running candidate. I don't want to open myself to accusations of cronyism.
The Question from @TanteStefana is actually pretty smart.

MNO who participate in the voting - process via dashcentral.org aren't anonymous anymore.
The serverowners of dashcentral know who voted how....
at least for the users who joined the discussion.

So the Dif has access to MNO votes right?
And all of the 3 other DIF Supervisors have access to MNOs too.
So: They know how they have voted each other, from another.....
and the others don't know.

So how you will vote @Sven ?
MNO who participate in the voting - process via dashcentral.org aren't anonymous anymore.
The serverowners of dashcentral know who voted how....
at least for the users who joined the discussion.

So the Dif has access to MNO votes right?
And all of the 3 other DIF Supervisors have access to MNOs too.

The MNOs who participate in the voting process and want to hide from the dashcentral admins, they can vote from the core wallet.
The MNOs who participate in the voting process and want to hide from the dashcentral admins, they can vote from the core wallet.
yes, i saw the
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):
gobject vote-many asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf.......

From a gameplay theory...(perspective) all POS Systems are getting more centralised one day.
The stacke for a evonode -> 4000 instead of 1000 (MN)

That probably means, (with a very optimistic few on the DASH price),
only larger institutions or very rich individuals will have the means to vote.

Larger Institutions usually have to report to there shareholders.
Doesn't sound like a doable privacy setup to me.

A saw that usually less then 1000 out of 3000 MNO vote at all.

So , what i am wondering.... How many of the voting MNOs know eachother.
See the first Post on: (Dash continues to slide down the rankings........)
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That probably means, (with a very optimistic few on the DASH price), only larger institutions or very rich individuals will have the means to vote.

Larger Institutions usually have to report to there shareholders.
Doesn't sound like a doable privacy setup to me.

A saw that usually less then 1000 out of 3000 MNO vote at all.

So , what i am wondering.... How many of the voting MNOs know eachother.

I doubt there is anything like 1000 unique MNOs.

"rich" is a very subjective thing. If someone takes a loan to buy a masternode, are they rich or financially illiterate? I think there are plenty of people that could afford a masternode or a few, but the question is, who's inclined to do so? I can afford to buy them cash but I'm just not going to. I've faced this opportunity several times and in the end I decided against it.

Now imagine a global coordinated attack on a few hundred masternodes. It's one thing to run a full crypto node for ideologically reasons, but if you are putting money into a "criminal enterprise" then you can expect a harsher response from LE.

The masternode collateral requirements effectively put a cap on the total number of masternodes, making a complete takedown a lot easier at any price per coin.
The MNOs who participate in the voting process and want to hide from the dashcentral admins, they can vote from the core wallet.

But they can't hide from other heuristics or modified masternodes to triangulate others. I just wish I had the time to build a demonstration.
But they can't hide from other heuristics or modified masternodes to triangulate others. I just wish I had the time to build a demonstration.

Me too, show something of substance for once, cos all you ever do is FUD the shit out of it and discredit yourself.
Me too, show something of substance for once, cos all you ever do is FUD the shit out of it and discredit yourself.

You think I give a shit?

Let's just say I'm wrong, that's my prerogative, I make bank or not based on my observations and portfolio management, no matter how "discredited" you claim.

Why you don't talk about the horseshit coming from DCG? Happy selling dash to pay in fiat, while also running debts.

Or talk trash about a fucking hypocrite, living in NH and claiming to "live on crypto" without KYC, while doing precisely that for payments from the zcash foundation. And drawing money from dash proposals while also being paid from sponsors and referrals. Is that the kind of substance you're looking for?

And finally, when I did seek technical help, no one came forward, including yourself. So fuck you.

DCG, and complacent MNOs and the dash price are getting exactly what they deserve. But go ahead, prove me wrong and fill my wallet at the same time. It must baffle you no end how an MNO could possibly "sabotage" their own bags... ha, DCG and MNOs did it all by themselves, congrats.
You think I give a shit?

Let's just say I'm wrong, that's my prerogative, I make bank or not based on my observations and portfolio management, no matter how "discredited" you claim.

Why you don't talk about the horseshit coming from DCG? Happy selling dash to pay in fiat, while also running debts.

Or talk trash about a fucking hypocrite, living in NH and claiming to "live on crypto" without KYC, while doing precisely that for payments from the zcash foundation. And drawing money from dash proposals while also being paid from sponsors and referrals. Is that the kind of substance you're looking for?

And finally, when I did seek technical help, no one came forward, including yourself. So fuck you.

DCG, and complacent MNOs and the dash price are getting exactly what they deserve. But go ahead, prove me wrong and fill my wallet at the same time. It must baffle you no end how an MNO could possibly "sabotage" their own bags... ha, DCG and MNOs did it all by themselves, congrats.
You've proven yourself to be a part of the problem by not supporting my proposals to cure the apathy and wasteful spending by incentivizing MNOs to vote. Congratulations, hypocrite.

20% of all mined dash getting dumped on the market with little to show for it is a massive tokenomics problem. Most of that should be kept with the MNOs to increase their attractiveness as investments. With more dash locked up in masternodes the price of dash would rise and we would actually have more money to spend every month in fiat terms.

Further, the DIF should be liquidated, with the holdings either given to masternodes or burned.
You've proven yourself to be a part of the problem by not supporting my proposals to cure the apathy and wasteful spending by incentivizing MNOs to vote. Congratulations, hypocrite.

20% of all mined dash getting dumped on the market with little to show for it is a massive tokenomics problem. Most of that should be kept with the MNOs to increase their attractiveness as investments. With more dash locked up in masternodes the price of dash would rise and we would actually have more money to spend every month in fiat terms.

Further, the DIF should be liquidated, with the holdings either given to masternodes or burned.

Not. Putting it bluntly, not only is your proposal fatally flawed, it demonstrates your lack of understanding of how dash and DCG operate and shape narratives.

For example, IIRC, one of my proposals was to set a variable proposal fee. The response was, "people don't went to keep voting", even if automation could be applied. BUT, when Samuel Westrich declared that content censorship by MNO vote would be required under his leadership, well, that wasn't up for vote, you either like it or lump it. Or username challenges by MNO voting. Just two of many such examples.

In fact, DCG and MNOs have rejected external proposals to almost all of the most basic and smallest changes to the dash dao.

Then there was the buying of MNO votes when, once again, Samuel Westrich offered to increase MNO rewards, I think that was when proposing a block reward share from 10% to 20%. Telling us how it offered more to other contractors and then after implantation DCG taking most of it.

And then there's the ridiculous "decision proposals" by DCG, effectively changing and inventing their own rules for what will count as a pass.

You see, first you have to recognize that dash uses two very different consensus methods. There's PoW for block production and then there's a variant of PoS for the dash dao. There is no unstoppable lucky draw for the dash dao, it is, in fact, the result of a single executable produced by DCG... a PRODUCT of DCG... they write the rules of the dao and there can not be any other competing version for the same treasury, it simply doesn't exist, period. Nor will it ever exist. Why would DCG ever allow a dashd dao alternator with potentially different rules chosen by outsiders? You will be told, if you want different dao rules you must fully abandon the dash name and domains and create a completely separate project and treasury. DCG are lying and disingenuous when they say dash is a "protocol", it is literally, and will only ever be, a DCG PRODUCT. A "tech driven project" with a key influential figure called Samuel Westrich.

When DCG introduced PoSe scoring. were MNOs polled on the idea and implantation rules? - no, never. This is the MO of DCG... be selective and narrow of what you ask, and write the rules of what will be accepted or rejected. When an outsider attempts to change how the dash dao functions, DCG declare limited time, money and resources. Or divert attention to small or insignificant issues and will not attempt to work through those issues unless it's THEIR idea.

In fact, I think maybe I should re-designate dash (again) from a web3 product to simply a Crypto Product with God awful leadership, management and financial stupidity. DCG never cared for the price that could of grew their resources, and more than happy to take on debt instead of ruthlessly cutting resources. How I can hear Samuel's typing hand, about to declare fear that dash would literally die without AWS or something. And apparently it's ME spreading FUD, really!??

No, realistically, there is only one solution and that is to abandon and disincentivize all "decision proposals". Enforce project funding and results, perhaps through collateral and slashing.
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How do you not grasp the very simple and clear logic that if we pay MNOs to come and vote all of that will change?

Support it, share it, popularize it, get it to pass, and see how it changes everything.

The post-evo bounce on dash-btc has come and gone, and into oblivion we continue. Support a proposal that will bring about real change!

DCG and their sycophants would be powerless against an active MNO community. Their participation and new ideas would change everything, and all we need to do is tap into their self-interest!!
How do you not grasp the very simple and clear logic that if we pay MNOs to come and vote all of that will change

So really, you just think about this one idea you have, believing it will somehow change everything. If that's so, why were your voting results so poor?

I've tried explaining this to you before, a bot can be easily made to optimize income, and / or provide conditional responses. In such scenario, what will you of achieved?