I'm not an expert in any means but I doubt that it's possible to "take back the money". It sounds really Ethereum-ish.
Yes it is possible. And yes it is Ethereum-ish, but in a organized and regulated manner. Ethereum blockchain fork happened as an accident, an accident not written in the code or in the protocol.
The fork we are talking about will not happen as an accident, but as a predefined decision of the community. And because
it will be a predefined and regulated fork decision written in the protocol and in the code itself, thats why all the community will follow that fork, and only the scammer will remain with the old illegal blockchain (which will obviously lose all of its market value immediatly).
The valid version of code each Masternode owner should have is always recommended.
Why shouldnt we start recommending also the legitimate version of Dash blockchain that each Masternode owner should have? Let us recommend the legitimate blockchain version which should be decided as the result of the vote of the community (a regulated vote defined and written into the Dash code and protocol so that nobody can deny the vote's result).
If we are able to define what the legitimate blockchain is, then we can easily take all the money back from the scammer. And because the procedure of defining (by community voting) a legitimate blockchain will be written into the protocol and into the code, all the community will respect that and no split may happen (like it did in the Ethereum case).
This is also how an objective external observer is allowed to discover whether the community is a fraud or not. Because if the objective external observer sees unfinished budget proposals get paid and the community not to ask the money back, then it is obvious that the whole community is a fraud.
Transparency, for the outsiders and for the objective external observers, isnt this what we want?