DashCentral.org - masternode monitoring and budget voting


Active member
Hi everybody,

DashCentral provides you with dead easy masternode monitoring. Just enter your masternode address and you'll be notified on downtimes and payments and see earning statistics. In addition you can review DASH budget proposals, discuss with other masternode owners and vote on proposals.


- add your masternodes by entering your masternode coin address
- android app to monitor your masternodes on the go
- notifications on payments and downtime: email, mobile push and slack
- earnings (today, 7 days, monthly, lifetime)
- DASH budget proposal voting and proposal discussion
- comprehensive API to build your own apps (Documentation)
- service is currently free of charge (we may apply for blockchain funding when it is available)


P.S. This website was quite a bit of work. Hope you find it useful and spread the word!
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Hi alex,

thank your for your kind words and starting the discussion.

The idea behind dashwhale is (besides comprehensive masternode monitoring), to provide a platform for proposal discussion of masternode owners. You will be able to view the proposals, without registration. If you want to discuss about the proposals with other masternode owners (important part of democratic process) and lobby for some proposals, you have to register. The registration itself is anonymous. It requires only username and any email address (is not verified).

I think it is critically important for the success of the budget system, to have many masternode owners activly discuss the proposals to build a consens together. It's inconvenient to check the proposals by command line and impossible to do the discussion decentralized via DASH daemon. If we don't have a convenient solution for discussion (including mobile apps) like Dashwhale, we might end up having inactive masternode owners and single voting decisions, which might not lead to the optimal allocation of budget resources for the DASH project.

Nice site.

I have been pushing for budget proposal discussion to happen on THIS site. Each proposal should have it's own thread. While I like the concept, having parallel discussion sites COULD hurt the process by fragmentation.

That's a valid point. But i think, a forum can not meet the specific demands of proposal voting/discussion in the future.

We will have an unordered list of proposals from the DASH daemon. At Dashwhale, all proposals will be sorted. You can comment on each proposal, upvote it to get more masternode owners to discuss about it and so on. We can also ensure, that only verified masternode owners are able to comment (in case of spam comments). A lot of things you can not solve in a structured in a forum.
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Those are valid points as well. Let me play Devil's Advocate (I LOVE this role). I would prefer to read and contemplate opinions of anybody on this forum regardless of masternode ownership status. Just because somebody named "randomuser174" doesn't own a masternode doesn't mean that we should ignore their opinions. They might be quite clever.
rango - your site is awesome but if i may.. the name can send a wrong message and divide this community which has already gone through so much... just my opinion.

I believe there is couple typos:
Register -> Email (is not valided, used for passwort reset and notifications on masternode down)
AjM Thank you, typos have been fixed.

oaxaca The platform is ans will be open to masternode owners and regular users. Both can use the shoutbox (now) and will be able to comment on proposals (future). Only in case we suffer from spam/abuse, we can take advantage of the ownership status to stop it.

Thank you for your comment. There are several websites out there in cryptocurrency field, which are pale. They are streamlined with reduced logos, engaging no emotions, having no real identity. We activly decided against a pale brand.

People love DASH, love running masternodes and love discussing things until their heads smoke. The interaction of the community with DASH is very emotional. The logo (bit arrogant looking whale with tophat, monocle and cigar) ironically plays with the innate whale-money theme in the cryptocurrency community. We want the people to identify with the Dashwhale brand. We want the people to remember it. The platform is open to everybody and therefore should not devide the community. It is one of the few places where regular user can voice their opinions, which are heard by masternode owners, which then will vote, taking these opinions into account.

Thank you very much for your suggestion. You are thinking of something like this? https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks
Incoming Webhook, yes, exactly! You have to provide an additional text field, that an user can add his url. I added a screenshot of a typical user setting on slack.

Please elaborate a bit on your suggestion, this will help us to focus the development correctly.
Every time, a node is payed, I would send a message to the users url:
payload={"text": "Your <https://www.dashwhale.org/index.php?page=masternodes&action=details&address=$MNAdr|Masternode ($MNName)> just got a payment. Hooray!"}

In addition, every time when a masternode is not available for 45-60 minutes:
payload={"text": "Check your <https://www.dashwhale.org/index.php?page=masternodes&action=details&address=$MNAdr|Masternode ($MNName).> There must be a problem."}
We just released the first batch of improvements:

1. Earnings: added a new graph depicting daily earnings for all of your masternodes within the last 60 days
2. You now see the protocolversion of your masternode on the masternode details page (even without dashwhale-updater). The protocolversion is monitored.
3. Mobile webinterface ("My account" => "Mobile access"): added the BTC/USD exchange value to the main page and the last 8 masternode payments to the details page
We just released the first batch of improvements:

1. Earnings: added a new graph depicting daily earnings for all of your masternodes within the last 60 days
2. You now see the protocolversion of your masternode on the masternode details page (even without dashwhale-updater). The protocolversion is monitored.
3. Mobile webinterface ("My account" => "Mobile access"): added the BTC/USD exchange value to the main page and the last 8 masternode payments to the details page


Thank you, slack integration will be available with the release of the notifications system by the end of this month.
Whoa, slow down, bud, we're going to have to start calling you Evan! :wink:
The dashwhale.org looks neat :)
But isn't that like giving all my masternode IPs, addresses to a third party? You just need the IP numbers people log in with and you have a nice database of masternode keepers.
The dashwhale.org looks neat :)
But isn't that like giving all my masternode IPs, addresses to a third party? You just need the IP numbers people log in with and you have a nice database of masternode keepers.
true true...and if you want to validate you just expose in some way the privkey of your massternode which IMO should be private as hell cause if you have all the details you can stop the nodes in any moment. It should be more hidden to 3rd party as possible...

Thank you very much for your comments, guys. All masternode IPs and addresses are public to everyone (dash-cli masternode list). All masternode owners somewhere rent a server and pay for it. So if you think of law enforcement for some reason tries to find the postal address of all masternode owners, they will easily get all information from all hosting providers by providing them with the IPs of the masternodes. With this, they are also able to group how many nodes one person owns, without any efforts.

ad. IP concerns: In the unlikely case of a Dashwhale hack (the backend has been used elsewhere for some years and is quite fireproof), the IPs of masternode owners could be exposed. Since all static IPs of masternodes are public, that does not really add an additional problem. But we heard your concern regarding this point and will take action (after notifications feature has been released) in the form of not logging any IP addresses at all, by configuring haproxy to not forward any IPs.

ad. Verification concerns: If you want to confirm your masternode ownership, you just have to sign a verification string with your wallet and enter the signature at Dashwhale. With this signing, you don't expose anything. Neither your wallet private key nor your masternode privkey.

ad. Masternode privkey concerns: To increase the comfort, we will allow masternode owners to enter their privkey (voluntary!) to facilitate them to vote comfortably via Dashwhale website and upcoming mobile apps. Voting by commandline only, will decrease masternode owner activity & voting quality, leading to a negative outcome for the whole DASH project. In the unlikely case that privkeys get exposed from Dashwhale by hack, users are able to generate new privkeys and replace them within minutes. In case of desaster, the negative effect is quite limited (voting & masternode stop) for only a few hours until the privkeys have been changed. The privkeys will be stored encrypted on a special technical solution separate from the Dashwhale website and database, to ensure maximum security. If somebody does not want to enter the privkey, it's perfectly fine. He can discuss a proposal on dashwhale and do the voting by commandline.

Thanks Rango. I really like the site. I'm not crazy about centralizing my masternode ownership information with a 3rd party, but I appreciate your responses above. I think making the voting process easier and encouraging a higher level of participation is a worthy cause.

Technical question: In the read me for the updater it indicates you can specify more than one masternode in the config file. Does this only apply in the situation where multiple masternodes are running on the same VPS? Is the intention to run the updater from each masternode?