I am happy to inform the community that the Dash World: Evolution in Marketing budget proposal is out for the vote @ https://www.dashwhale.org/p/DashWorld
Discussion is also going on over on Slack @ https://digitalcash.slack.com/messages/dashworld/
This is quite a big proposal, so I will share only its first page here:
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing
Dash Evolution’s giant leap toward the creation of a new type of decentralized crypto-currency makes the project even more exciting than ever before. The problem: the world does not know about Dash yet.
Dash marketing efforts are falling far behind Dash’s innovations.[1] Its numerous improvements over the Bitcoin protocol such as InstantX, PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend), 3rd network tier, decentralized governance and funding by blockchain[2] are all revolutionary steps toward the permissionless, P2P (peer-to-peer), decentralized society dominated by the Crypto-Economy.
Even more than Bitcoin, Dash challenges the ways we shape and manage society. William Gibson famously quipped: "The future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed.” Dash offers tools for the future of today but the knowledge about it has yet to be distributed. Dash needs to establish itself as digital cash for the new society of the future we create together.
This solution-focused proposal aims to tackle the matter from different angles and to align Dash’s technical genius and enormous creative energy coming from its community and the Darkcoin Foundation with out-of-the-box marketing thinking and actions. Due to the very nature of Dash’s versatility, we propose to think holistically while forking (sporking if you wish) our marketing efforts. We think of and promote Dash strategically:
-- As an exciting, permissionless investment opportunity, via its MN network,
-- As the perfect digital cash for the emerging P2P decentralized economy;
-- As enabler of our right to privacy via its revolutionary PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend) feature.
“How would you feel if you were sick and your doctor prescribed a medicine without listening to you describe your symptoms first?”
Patrick Renvoisé and Christophe Morin in Neuromarketing
The ability of a marketer to “diagnose the pain” of her prospect is the first step toward meeting consumer’s needs. But how to diagnose the pain of someone not owning or even knowing about a non-tangible asset that emerges from arcane realms of alien binary strings language as a solution to the mathematical puzzle, a.k.a. DASH? (when capitalized we’re referring to the currency, when in lower case, to the project) If there isn’t a clearly defined need for our product we ought to invent a narrative creating it. The best way of creating a need for Dash is to sell its STORY.
Think of our marketing “sporks” as our stories.
We suspect a lot of people would like to own a bank and therefore, our first story is a dream of financial independence....
NOTE: Should you wish to peruse a nicely formatted PDF document of this proposal, please go to http://document.li/N4Fz
Thank you for taking your time considering Dash World: Evolution in Marketing (hasthag #DashWorld)
[1] Source: Dash v13 Evolution by Evan Duffield https://www.Dash.org/binaries/evo/DashPaper-v13-v1.pdf
[2] Ibid.
Discussion is also going on over on Slack @ https://digitalcash.slack.com/messages/dashworld/
This is quite a big proposal, so I will share only its first page here:
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing
Dash Evolution’s giant leap toward the creation of a new type of decentralized crypto-currency makes the project even more exciting than ever before. The problem: the world does not know about Dash yet.
Dash marketing efforts are falling far behind Dash’s innovations.[1] Its numerous improvements over the Bitcoin protocol such as InstantX, PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend), 3rd network tier, decentralized governance and funding by blockchain[2] are all revolutionary steps toward the permissionless, P2P (peer-to-peer), decentralized society dominated by the Crypto-Economy.
Even more than Bitcoin, Dash challenges the ways we shape and manage society. William Gibson famously quipped: "The future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed.” Dash offers tools for the future of today but the knowledge about it has yet to be distributed. Dash needs to establish itself as digital cash for the new society of the future we create together.
This solution-focused proposal aims to tackle the matter from different angles and to align Dash’s technical genius and enormous creative energy coming from its community and the Darkcoin Foundation with out-of-the-box marketing thinking and actions. Due to the very nature of Dash’s versatility, we propose to think holistically while forking (sporking if you wish) our marketing efforts. We think of and promote Dash strategically:
-- As an exciting, permissionless investment opportunity, via its MN network,
-- As the perfect digital cash for the emerging P2P decentralized economy;
-- As enabler of our right to privacy via its revolutionary PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend) feature.
“How would you feel if you were sick and your doctor prescribed a medicine without listening to you describe your symptoms first?”
Patrick Renvoisé and Christophe Morin in Neuromarketing
The ability of a marketer to “diagnose the pain” of her prospect is the first step toward meeting consumer’s needs. But how to diagnose the pain of someone not owning or even knowing about a non-tangible asset that emerges from arcane realms of alien binary strings language as a solution to the mathematical puzzle, a.k.a. DASH? (when capitalized we’re referring to the currency, when in lower case, to the project) If there isn’t a clearly defined need for our product we ought to invent a narrative creating it. The best way of creating a need for Dash is to sell its STORY.
Think of our marketing “sporks” as our stories.
We suspect a lot of people would like to own a bank and therefore, our first story is a dream of financial independence....
NOTE: Should you wish to peruse a nicely formatted PDF document of this proposal, please go to http://document.li/N4Fz
Thank you for taking your time considering Dash World: Evolution in Marketing (hasthag #DashWorld)
[1] Source: Dash v13 Evolution by Evan Duffield https://www.Dash.org/binaries/evo/DashPaper-v13-v1.pdf
[2] Ibid.
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