Dash Podcast 102 - Feat. Demelza Hays Cryptocurrency Asset Management Research Analyst

Sorry but I feel compelled to say, I wish Dash News would submit a proposal for professional media training. I'm not an expert at this but in 1h 37m I can watch a movie. So long that the guest had to drop out, declaring she had other things to do.

It seems to me, a fatal flaw in these live streams are the hosts talking more than the guest! I think a good interviewer talks less and controls the conversation such that the guest opens up and talks more. Clearly Dash News has the ability to get interesting guests but then destroys it with so much talk and hype, the guests views are lost. I get the enthusiasm but please, do something about this. Don't take my word for it, get some professional media advice and see what they say.

I haven't done the stats yet but I wouldn't be surprised to see a correlation between video length and view count. I think you'll find, shorter, higher quality conversations will lead to more views and community engagement.