Dash Nation Votetracker


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I'm running with the Dash Nation concept and one of the first ideas I had was to fully demonstrate the power of the DGBB: "Dash Nation has its own governance."

A vote on an issue of the day would be held. My first thought would be the United States general Election. This isn't until November, so it would be more than enough time to market this to Bitcoiners, and to have most Masternoders participate.

So we would vote on Election Day with our masternodes, and show the results as they happen, in real time. We would have a voting window, and then announce the "Dash Nation" results.

Now, for this to be the most effective, we would need to have a "Dash Nation votes" website.

Question: Can someone design this website, and specifically a real-time DGBB voting tracker in bar graph form? Something simple, just two bars that change as votes come in.


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We could even go a step further :

Lets make a fictive three party system consisting of a conservative party, a progressive party and an independent party.

Dash community members can then express an interest in 'running for office' for one of those three party's and through
a pre-selection, the masternodes can vote over who will represent each of those three party's.

When that is done we can then vote directly over those three party's and see who wins the election and gets the fictive title "President of Dash Nation" for a year.
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Those 3 party choices are SO centralized. Anybody deciding to run can choose the name of their own party, or no party.
Those 3 party choices are SO centralized. Anybody deciding to run can choose the name of their own party, or no party.
fine by me, each party will have to express where they stand for and need to seek unique selling points to differentiate themself from other party's.
I want to be the bad guy party. Why? Because they have more fun. Ruin the environment for financial gain, kill the whales for oil, Hummm why am I already blanking... Ummmm.... Pee in the rivers??
LOL, I hope not, but I'm not voting for Hilary or Bernie, so.... I might write something in. I wanted Rand Paul but knew he'd never make it :( We need a real - viable 3rd party in the United States. The Ds and Rs are both evil.
I REALLY hope it's Bernie :-D

The Trump thing is obvious
Hilary can't be trusted
I'll Vote Hilary if I have to - ugh
(I'll hate every second of that 4-8 years)

edit: OH!!! You said you're NOT voting for a DEM - ugh - okay.....
It's a lose lose situation, but yah, I'd take Bernie, he's socialist but a little more honest ( as honest as politicians get) But don't fret, honestly. We change every 4 years and don't have to keep what we get.

Also, my mom always tells me, don't worry about the Federal elections, you don't have much control there, it's the local elections where your vote counts the most and that most matters to your life :)