DASH meetup Malmö


Foundation Member

Jag har skapat en DASH-meetup i Malmö. Finns det villigt folk i närheten av Malmö så tar vi en kaffe, bier eller vadhelst som gör det hela till en rolig och intressant diskussion. Än så länge har det bara varit jag men nu har fler intressenter anslutit sig. Vi måste prata om DASH och hur vi kan öppna ögonen för den stora massan i vår närhet samt få ut kunskapen till nyintresserade.

Tack till Vertoe som stödmedlem, om inte det blir en resa från Berlin till Malmö!
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Trots att jag inte är helt tillfreds med hur namnbytet har skötts kommer jag ändå fortsätta att vara delaktig i gemenskapen. Skriv gärna på sidan så kan vi planera ett möte då jag vet att det finns ett genuint intresse.
Trots att jag inte är helt tillfreds med hur namnbytet har skötts kommer jag ändå fortsätta att vara delaktig i gemenskapen. Skriv gärna på sidan så kan vi planera ett möte då jag vet att det finns ett genuint intresse.
I'm glad to know you're still around... :smile:
If I were there I sure would love to do a meet up with you guys. Do you have a big group there?
I'm glad to know you're still around... :smile:
If I were there I sure would love to do a meet up with you guys. Do you have a big group there?


Sent a personalised message to each member, no reply after a week from anyone. I am going to my scheduled meetup but I do not like how it is so easy to sign up to "look good" and then ignore it.

But hey! The place has 200+ different beers and 200+ different whisky so I am not complaining.
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Sent a personalised message to each member, no reply after a week from anyone. I am going to my scheduled meetup but I do not like how it is so easy to sign up to "look good" and then ignore it.

But hey! The place has 200+ different beers and 200+ different whisky so I am not complaining.
LOL... 200+ different beers and 200+ different whisky? The place should be packed next time! Tell the members what they missed! :grin:
LOL... 200+ different beers and 200+ different whisky? The place should be packed next time! Tell the members what they missed! :grin:

Yeah, I paid $55 for a beer once and $210 for 2 cl of whisky from 1949 so there are some ways to go... Regret that I missed that whisky from 1937 @ $400/cl.
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Yeah, I paid $55 for a beer once and $210 for 2 cl of whisky from 1949 so there are some ways to go... Regret that I missed that whisky from 1937 @ $400/cl.
Wow.. expensive... but I guess they were worth it?
Wow.. expensive... but I guess they were worth it?

The feeling of having something worthwhile in your hand, drinking someone else's work and thinking about the years gone by. Yes, except having a mediocre anecdote, I felt like a time traveler.
Bor också i malmö trakten (ca 50min bort med tåg) :)

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not to big i believe, there is some activity in the nordic channel on discord but not to much im afraid..will try and change that :)