Dash Marketing Association & Dash Ambassadors

Terry Gate

New member
Unfortunately I don't want to use my DC account to post this as a lot of people think very highly of Amanda (myself included) and some of those people would get out the pitchforks against anyone being seen to question her.

That said, I have a lot of concerns about the 'Dash Marketing Association' proposal - I had similar concerns with Shrem & Swann but wasn't vocal enough about them and I regret that.

So let's highlight my red flags:
There has never been a Dash-dedicated team of specialists to serve the the networks marketing & PR needs... marketing efforts have been executed almost exclusively by amateurs

Well yes, there has, Fernando has a team that is stretched but I'm sure with a $2million budget they could be doing a lot more. We also have Wachsmann who have been getting some fantastic coverage:


Finally we have the Dash Force News and D-ACH teams that are constantly pursuing highly targeted coverage and have had a lot of success. There has even been a cohesive effort between all of these parties and Kuva too which has achieved plenty of coverage on our Venezuela efforts.

Insulting these teams and their efforts shows a disconnect between the party behind this proposal and the current state of Dash marketing & PR.

Now lets see how 'specialist' this team is:

Elena Besedina - Project Lead

Prior qualifications
Hosted 'Dash People' via a treasury proposal:
we will invite athletes and sport media persons for 15-minute dynamic and positive interviews that will contain different actual issues. However, every time we will lead our dialogs to DASH digital cash topics

This sounds familiar as it's in a pretty similar vein to this project.

This resulted in 8 Videos with a total of 60 views:

Yes a lot of Russians use VK, but they also use Youtube too.

Other qualifications
Worked in property and has done business negotiations - does this means she is eligible to head up our PR efforts? I think not.

Also these pages highlight her as a scammer (as posted by someone on Reddit):

Amanda B Johnson - Host & Advisor

Okay so I think Amanda is great but hosting a YouTube show does not mean you're qualified to lead a $2million+ PR project. However looking at it, her only real role in this project is to win your votes, host the show and provide some advice. I wonder what her fee is for this?

Nathan Pettijohn - Media Production & Management

Now it gets interesting, lets break down these claims:

Founded 'Cordurouy' a group that's lead the digital marketing streategy for numerous brands and influencers like William Shatner and Jeremy Renner.

Oh yes, a digital marketing agency that is famously using an $89 wordpress theme? Not to mention uses '[email protected]' for its "Start a Project" link. Or has no case studies, team profiles or any substance... whatsoever. I can't find anything more on them really, no agency accreditation, no commendations, no mention of Shatner or Renner... nothing.

Nathan publishes a column in Forbes
Okay now this is just funny, he's a 'Forbes Contributor' which is an unpaid role that allows Forbes to get content for free. There are over 2000 of these contributors. Now let's take a look at those contributions 'in which details his successful growth-hacking strategies':

Ah, I see, 2 articles in the last couple of months with a grand total of 5,500 views. Right, is this really good enough for you guys? Is this the kind of bs we're going to throw 2 million at.... time for the final claim:

...is the Amazon best-selling co-author of Zen and the Art of Admin Tasks.

14 customer reviews, rank 619,294 in kindle store, #70 in books > business & money > human resources > outsourcing.

So much bs here I need a Backhoe.

Maria & Aleksander Katyshkin
An import/export professional and a translater/copywriter - am I missing something here?

Okay so now I've looked at the team, lets look at the project:

"Dash Ambassadors Reality Series"

So this is the main focus of this and the next proposal, though they are willing to shift. You'd think as 'PR' and 'Marketing' guys they would want to validate their idea somewhat. Maybe run a pilot? Perhaps Dash People is the pilot that failed and now they want to go full steam ahead anyway.

Oh and lets not forget they didn't solicit any feedback from the DAO on this, that wealthy resource of hundreds of business owners, entrepreneurs and some pretty intelligent people all round. It doesn't look like they talked to Fernando or Wachsman either.
We expect the following three conditions to manifest within the first 12 months of our work:

1. Dash will have the single best image within the cryptocurrency industry
2. Dash will once again rank within the top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization
3. Dash will be perceived as equal to Bitcoin in terms of viability and security

Do you think a reality TV show with some celebrities is going to make all that happen? You say you 'Expect' this, but I'm so fed up of this false promises by proposals. 'MASS ADOPTION', 'VIRAL IN X' - it's just hot air and the DAO falls for it time and time again. Show us concrete substance and we'll be more passionate than ever.

This is just BS pandering and patronising to the network.

So how will they market these videos?
"We'll solicit retweets by highly-followed Twitter accounts. We’ll pursue appearances on top-rated podcasts and talk shows. We’ll seek public mentions by influential individuals."

Seriously, this is our 'professional' marketing teams in-depth approach to gaining traction for their $2million TV show...

$2 million is a lot of money... can we make sure we're doing the diligence and respecting our treasury this time by holding any proposal that asks for a significant sum to a higher standard than this.

Budgetary requirements

So they are asking $52,500 per month for running the 'Dash Marketing Association' and then $135,500 per month for this Dash Ambassadors show, by December 2019 this project will have cost us $2,361,000 - for a TV show with some celebrities and a low-level PR team.

Worth noting, there are 8 full time employees and 2 part time employees at that $52,500 so thats about $5,833 per person for reference. Also 'full time accountant' for an 8 person entity?

So, in conclusion:

- Massively under-qualified team
- Ridiculous budget
- No market validation or pilot
- Stupidly inflated claims
- No escrow
- No DAO consultation

I'm sorry for the hit piece but this is unacceptable. Please vote with your heads and hold this proposal (and other large proposals) to a higher standard. No one should get a rubber stamp, regardless of who they are or their historical contributions.
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