Hey Dashers,
thrilled to let you know getfreedash.com just crossed 1000+ in total sign ups and getting 100+ sign ups on a daily basis now , as most of you know , i have created
getfreedash.com and have even made
a proposal for the same , unfortunately it failed to pass though despite getting almost 99% positive comments (some say because the amount requested was high at 250 dash per month others say its was buried deep in the proposal lot

) , however i continued the site with my own money.
After lot of experimentation and tweaking around, we finally cracked it, we are getting tons of traffic from venezuela, almost 100-150 sign ups per day, since sim cards are not free and cost $1 or more to get in venezuela, most of the sign ups are individual folks ( not hackers ) , we have checked the IP addresses and time stamps all point to unique user behaviour.
one a side note , Owning to the hyperinflation in venezuela $1 is average weekly pay hence people are still showing lot of interest for the giveaway.
As a testimony to our success couple of guys have even created youtube videos about getfreedash.com just recently
so far i have spent over $15,000 in building the site ,coding, giveaway and the previous failed proposal cost. Currently i am planning to spend around $2000 per month on giveaways , however i feel that might not be enough as this site is going viral and now i need support from you to go forward.
Here's my address given below , please donate generously so we can continue this project going forward till end of Feb, i am looking at 10 dash in total to run without any interruptions.
EDIT: we have received 5 dash so the proposal is back on . will post a proposal with a lower amount of 50-75 dash per month .
P.S we have all the stats like payment addresses, phone numbers ,ip addresses etc which we are happy to showcase to the core team / greencandle /MNOs / reputed people incase they want to verify
donation link
This is a great opportunity to help the folks a little and also spread dash like wildfire within the state of venezuela