Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Announcement

For Dashmate users running an Evonode on Mainnet : wait untill Dashmate has been updated to v1.0.0 and instructions have been provided by DCG. Dashmate is normally using npm to update itself (npm install -g dashmate), but v1.0.0 does not exist yet as package there (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dashmate?activeTab=versions).
Should be added and fetchable there soon.

Update 1 : npm got updated yesterday with Dashmate v1.0.1 so npm install -g dashmate can be used as follows to update Dashmate itself and Core :

Step 1 : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...on-your-evonode-setup-through-dashmate.54445/
Step 2 : dashmate stop (once clear from any high PoSe Penalty scoring risk during step 1)
Step 3 : npm install -g dashmate
Step 4 : dashmate update
Step 5 : dashmate start

Ignore red error (Platform Status error) with dashmate status and ignore red errors about a closed p2p port 26656 & Tenderdash Service Status error with dashmate status platform.

Make sure your Zero SSL certificate has indeed been correctly added in the past by you with help of Zero SSL API key, when you first setup your Evonode through dashmate setup or in case you are thinking about setting up an Evonode.
The Zero SSL API key can be found in the developers section of your free account with Zero SSL. Zero SSL website : https://zerossl.com/
The free account allows 3 zero ssl certs max, each with a duration of 90 days. An Evonode owner / operator can therefore setup three Zero SSL certs under 1 Zero SSL API key. Dashmate handles the creation and auto-renewel of your ssl certs with help of that API key. Just make sure no web server is active (no active Apache and no active nginx), as that may interfer with Dashmate creation and renewel of the zero SSL cert.

For those wondering if Zero SSL cert has been setup correctly for their Evonode :

You should have the following files in .dashmate/mainnet/platform/gateway/ssl/


You should also find ssl related info in the config.json file in .dashmate/config.json under the mainnet section of that file.

If ssl related info is missing in your config.json file (mainnet section !) & your ssl directory also does not contain above mentioned files then you will most likely need to do a new dashmate setup through command dashmate reset --config mainnet --hard followed by a dashmate start (be aware that this will delete your whole L1 blockchain, which will need to be dowloaded from scratch after dashmate start and you most likely get PoSe penalty scored / banned, before its done syncing).

Update 2 : looks like with next dashmate version it will be possible to do a dashmate reset without removing your L1 blockchain, see https://github.com/dashpay/platform/pull/2026 by adding --keep-data flag to the dashmate reset command.
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