Dash Core v20.1.0 Release Announcement


Active member
Dash Core Group
Thank you for this update.

I am currently in the middle of testing / verifying a possible issue with dashd process memory reserve on Dash Mainnet through Docker / Dashmate (Evonodes), where dashd process memory reserve just keeps increasing over time (dashd process memory reserve currently at 78% of total RAM).
I am curious at what point the dashd process memory reserve will stabilize and show no further increase (basically i am trying to find out Docker upper limit for the dashd process memory reserve).

Link : https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5872

Once that testing has concluded one way or another (maybe it will crash my servers once dashd process memory reserve gets high enough, or maybe it will stabilize around a certain percentage), i will update to this minor Dash Core v20.1 update.

Am i correct in assuming that the Platform bug fixes from stress testing at this point does not break Dash Core in such a way that the activation of Platform features currently laying dormant in v20.0.4 can be merged and activated through a future minor Dash Core update ? (v20.2 ?), or does it require Dash Core v21, due to breaking changes ?
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Once that testing has concluded one way or another (maybe it will crash my servers once dashd process memory reserve gets high enough, or maybe it will stabilize around a certain percentage), i will update to this minor Dash Core v20.1 update.

I am curious on your outcomes from this testing, in my case I rebooted server with 41 days uptime, dashd was around 12GB VM size, stable in my regard. I will of course monitor RAM usage on the v20.1 as well.

Am i correct in assuming that the Platform bug fixes from stress testing at this point does not break Dash Core in such a way that the activation of Platform features currently laying dormant in v20.0.4 can be merged and activated through a future minor Dash Core update ? (v20.2 ?), or does it require Dash Core v21, due to breaking changes ?

Yeah, you are, these changes do not impact the activation plan for platform, however, I think we should push in a another fork in v21 before platform goes live, because platform is still a ways off and we don't want to be in a situation where core is held back because of tortoise, but QE is not agreeing with this and wants everyone to wait for them. 😖
I am currently in the middle of testing / verifying a possible issue with dashd process memory reserve on Dash Mainnet through Docker / Dashmate (Evonodes), where dashd process memory reserve just keeps increasing over time (dashd process memory reserve currently at 78% of total RAM).
Might this be something similar/the same/regression as my old problem:
No, there is no memory expansion issue in v20.1,
Maybe not for users of Dash Masternode Zeus (where dashd process memory reserve increase to 12GB and then stop increasing),
but i think it is premature to conclude that for Dashmate / Docker users.

One of my Evonodes setup through Dashmate / Docker on Mainnet is currently already reserving 19.3GB for the dashd process memory (80% of total RAM !) and is not showing signs of stopping. I have seen nothing in Dash Core v20.1 or Dashmate version 0.25.22 that addresses this.


RAM : 24GB
Dash Core v20.0.4
Dashmate : v0.25.21

At this point i am starting to wonder if there really is an upper limit set for the dashd process memory, or if Dashmate / Docker will just allow a continuous increase of dashd process memory reserve. I have set a trigger to alert me in case dashd process memory reserve exceeds 85% of system RAM, as to me that would indicate a serious memory issue and would most likely force me to reboot the server every few months to stay on the safe side.
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Maybe not for users of Dash Masternode Zeus (where dashd process memory reserve increase to 12GB and then stop increasing),
but i think it is premature to conclude that for Dashmate / Docker users.

One of my Evonodes setup through Dashmate / Docker on Mainnet is currently already reserving 19.3GB for the dashd process memory (80% of total RAM !) and is not showing signs of stopping. I have seen nothing in Dash Core v20.1 or Dashmate version 0.25.22 that addresses this.

View attachment 12364

RAM : 24GB
Dash Core v20.0.4
Dashmate : v0.25.21

At this point i am starting to wonder if there really is an upper limit set for the dashd process memory, or if Dashmate / Docker will just allow a continuous increase of dashd process memory reserve. I have set a trigger to alert me in case dashd process memory reserve exceeds 85% of system RAM, as to me that would indicate a serious memory issue and would most likely force me to reboot the server every few months to stay on the safe side.

Hey qwizzie, I had not seriously considered that Docker/Dashmate could be a factor in the memory over run, I hope you are collecting per process statistics this time for the dashd, so we can analyze it together.

Here I have a cluster of three evonodes after running for 5 days on v20.1 and the VM size is stable at around 12GB.

Hey qwizzie, I had not seriously considered that Docker/Dashmate could be a factor in the memory over run, I hope you are collecting per process statistics this time for the dashd, so we can analyze it together.

Here I have a cluster of three evonodes after running for 5 days on v20.1 and the VM size is stable at around 12GB.

View attachment 12366


Source : https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5872#issuecomment-1952300731

I made some changes a few days ago to the above, so that dashd Process Memory Reserve (a rename of process_memory_usage) is more clearly split from Memory Usage and shown as a percentage of total system RAM as well, together with a trigger to alert when exceeding 85% reserve....

# Function to get memory usage
get_memory_usage() {
memory_info=$(free -m || true)
if [ -n "$memory_info" ]; then
memory_usage=$(echo "$memory_info" | awk '/Mem/ {print $3}')
memory_usage_gb=$(echo "scale=2; $memory_usage / 1024" | bc)
echo "Memory Usage: ${memory_usage_gb}GB"
echo "Error: Unable to retrieve memory usage."

# Function to get process memory reserve (renamed from process_memory_usage to process_memory_reserve)
get_process_memory_reserve() {
process_memory_reserve=$(ps -opid,vsz,cmd -C dashd | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $2} END {print sum}')
process_memory_reserve_gb=$(echo "scale=2; $process_memory_reserve / (1024 * 1024)" | bc)
echo "Process Memory Reserve: ${process_memory_reserve_gb}GB"

# Calculate the percentage of process memory reserve
total_ram_gb=24 # Total RAM in GB
process_memory_reserve_percentage=$(echo "scale=2; $process_memory_reserve_gb / $total_ram_gb * 100" | bc)
echo "Percentage: ${process_memory_reserve_percentage}%"

# Check if dashd Process Memory Reserve exceeds 85%
if (( $(echo "$process_memory_reserve_percentage > 85" | bc -l) )); then
echo -e "\e[1;31mAlert: dashd Process Memory Reserve exceeds 85%!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;31mAlert: dashd Process Memory Reserve exceeds 85%!\e[0m" >> hardware.log
# You can add additional actions here, such as sending an email or triggering a notification.

So yes, i am collecting per process statistics for dashd since 19th of February 2024.

Evonode 1 (dashd.pid startdate 18th of January 2024)

OS : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-169-generic x86_64)
Dashmate : 0.25.21
Dash Core : 20.0.4


Evonode 2 (dashd.pid startdate 21st of January 2024) :

OS : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-169-generic x86_64)
Dashmate : 0.25.21
Dash Core : 20.0.4

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