I'll give it a shot
I assume you've got your masternode up and running since you're at this stage. Log in to your server using whichever SSH client you used when setting it up.
Go to dashcentral and log in. Then you go "my account>account settings". Go to the link "
dashcentral-updater-v6.tgz (3 MB)" and RIGHT click. Choose copy link address.
Go to your server window, type:
"wget *Paste link here*"
This will download the dashcentral updater to your server.
Now you need to unpack your .tgz file, with the following command:
"tar -xzf dashcentral-updater-v6.tgz"
If you use the command "ls" you can now see that you have a new folder called "dashcentral-updater". Go to that folder with this command:
"cd dashcentral-updater"
There is a file in this folder you need to make executable, with this command:
"chmod 755 dcupdater"
Now you just need to point the updater in the right direction. We need to get some info from your dash.conf, you should know where this file is, if you already set up your masternode (Usually /home/username/.dashcore/dash.conf).
I'll assume you followed tao's masternode guide, so i'll use joe, but you can use any text editor:
"joe dash.conf"
Make a text file on your desktop and paste your rpcuser and rpc password in the text. Now go to dashcentral.org again, under the my masternodes tab, find your masternode and copy it's address to your text file.
Also, under my account>account settings copy your api key to your text file.
Great, now you should have everything you need. If you're still in the .dashcore folder, go back to your home folder ("cd ..") and into your dashcentral-updater folder:
"cd dashcentral-updater"
Edit dashcentral.conf:
"joe dashcentral.conf"
It'll look like this:
# dashcentral-updater configuration
our %settings = (
# Enter your DashCentral api key here
'api_key' => 'xxx'
our %masternodes = (
'Xuia3V5v51AFTjYNtz6tpu9YrKYoWc9Ruz' => {
'rpc_host' => 'localhost',
'rpc_port' => 9998,
'rpc_user' => 'masternode1',
'rpc_password' => '123password',
'daemon_autorestart' => 'disabled',
'daemon_binary' => '/usr/bin/dashd',
'daemon_datadir' => '/root/.dashcore'
When you enter this infomation, leave the single quotation marks. Change the daemon_autostart to "'enabled'", point daemon_binary to your dashd file (/home/username/.dashcore/dashd) and finally point daemon_datadir to your .dashcore folder (/home/username/.dashcore).
If you're using joe, press ctrl+k+x to save the dashcentral.conf file.
Now you need crontab to run the script every 2 minutes. Run the command:
"crontab -e"
This will bring up a text file with a lot of blue text. Use your arrowkey to scroll down to the very bottom. You should already have an entry for sentinel here.
It should look like this, just change it to the correct path for the dashcentral-updater folder:
*Blue text end*
*/2 * * * * cd /home/username/dashcentral-updater && ./dcupdater >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * cd /home/username/.dashcore/sentinel && venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py 2>&1 >> sentinel-cron.log
Almost there, under account setting at dashcentral.org, enable masternode remote data monitoring.
You can test whether it's working or not by (assuming that you're still in the dashcentral-updater folder" the following command:
"./dcupdater -testrestart=*Your masternode address*
It should return:
SUCCESS - Running DASH daemon has been detected and has been killed. New DASH daemon process has been started!
And you should be good, i hope - Hopefully i didn't forget anything