Dash Argentina First Dash-Friendly City (April News + Update)

Angel Andres Arri

New member
Dear DASH Community,

We are totally happy to share with you our proposal news and update carried out during April 2018.

As Director of the Dash Community of Argentina I want to share with the entire Dash Community the scope of our activities in the First Dash Friendly City in Argentina.

The receptivity in the Media and the Authorities was amazing, 13 stores submited their information and started accepting DASH, also we open more than 200 new DASH users wallets.

Finally we reach some important facts that we face and solve during our first month. As you know our goal is to develope the First Dash friendly pilot city, as well we wanted to let more than 5000 people discover DASH this as a milestone by using media presence.

Our first activity was to make a Conference for goverment staff, bussinessmen and traders, so we gave TV, radio and newspapers interviews, promorional signs at the entire city and some personal interviews with people interested in DASH.

As you might imagine, we needed to enlarge and make a further develope for our website, where the people would be informed about our activities, news and relevant stuff. As well we offer the website's visitants to register their shops, so the locals can find them in one place, besides Discover Dash already exists, some times the language is a limitation, that's the main reason we decided to run a local shop locator. In a near future we would love to populate Discover Dash with local information like an extra help for our existant and new ones.

DASH Digital Money in media

Our press moves to reach over 5000 habitants milestone that recognize the inminent DASH arrive to the city were:

Previous the conference
Conference coverage and repercussions

Conference abstract

On April 18th, the DASH Digital Money presentation was made within the framework of the project Convert Río Tercero in the first DASH Friendly city in the country.

The appointment was at 9:30 in the downtown location of the city of Río Tercero, where the process of accreditation, reception, installation and opening of mobile wallets was performed on both platforms (Android and iOS).

Among those present were important merchants, businessmen and municipal officials who got their DASH wallets loaded with the giveaway present. That giveaway was a supplied as a demo with the objective to show the simplicity and agility of using DASH, always highlighting the main qualities of DASH Digital Money "Private", Instant and Secure ".

During the event, the Project Director, the local merchant Ángel Arri and the Eng. Victor Di Rienzo, presented the team work, talked about cryptocurrencies, history and future of the project. DASH and the first experience of use and the mobiles wallet recognizing the interfaces - main functionalities such as Exchange Rates, Send / Receive Digital Money, InstantSend and Security, basic aspects for a correct use of the application.

We invite you to visit this photo gallery at: https://dashar.org/gallery/presentacion-dash-dinero-digitla-18-abril-2018/

Workshop abstract

Last April 25th, the Work Shop was preform with great concurrence of shop owners, bussinessmen and general public, about last group we would like to hightligth most of them where Venezueleans citizens that where interested in adopting DASH to repatriate money to help their families in Venezuela.

During the event, the audience was really interested in ways of using DASH and paper wallets as well. Lots of questions were anwsered to satisfied and fullfill atendance needs about implementing DASH as an alternative payment method. Also they recognize the opportunity to operate with DASH as minor and private exchange to complete the value chain of using and receiving DASH.


We invite you to visit this photo gallery at: https://dashar.org/gallery/workshop-25-de-abril-2018/

Lessons learned

During our first month the intention was to present Rio Tercero's citizens our proposal so that the city is not only recognized as the National Capital of the Sportsman, but will be also recognized as the First City of the Country to incorporate and use DASH as an alternative payment method. What we did was to educate the ending users (Owners of their own money) and the Bussinessmen users to lose their distrust and fear of the unknown and being encouraged to use this revolutionary payment method, showing all the goodness, benefits and saves on operative costs by using DASH.

Final words

We want to share with the community we are really proud becouse with the support given, time dedicated and help recivied by colleages and friends we did a great improvement inviting and making people participate in each activity and event made by our team.