I don't want people to take this as FUD for DASH. I'm merely curious about whether DASH is at risk of being treated differently, or negatively due to its anonymity feature. For example, say regulations swoop in and pressure top exchanges to remove anonymous coins from their site. I know it's unjust, but the regulators could argue that the anonomyzing feature makes it impossible to mitigate risks of money-launderers or other criminals from using the coin. Obviously governments are going to want to regulate against money-laundering and other criminal activities. Yes, I do agree that law-abiding citizens shouldn't get lumped in with criminals for using an anonymous coin, but I don't know if regulators necessarily will care. It's impossible to regulate the actual coin itself since its decentralized (the beauty of crypto), but they can easily go after businesses that accept cryptos and have them stop accepting anonymous coins. As sad as it is, regulators and law enforcement will be more okay with bitcoin due to how easy it is to unwind the string of transactions that one person has done in the past, but I'm unsure about how they will feel about DASH. What's your take on this?